2010 Fannish Year In Review

Dec 07, 2010 14:11

Ah, I love this meme. I can't believe I've done this six years now! (Heck, I can't believe I've been on LJ since 2003.)

2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009

The Vids
The Transported Man (The Prestige) - I really wanted to go back and do a commentary for this vid, because I put a ton of thought into it and how it all linked together and the way that I structured it even. Maybe I could make that a goal for 2011. Try my hand at one of those audio commentaries! I really enjoyed making this, as complex as it was. It was great to push myself out of my intellectual comfort zone and try something difficult again, and I was really pleased with the result. I still enjoy watching this vid.

Raspberry Beret (Pushing Daisies) - This was fun to make - the source is so colorful and full of joy, and the vid was made quickly and with no pressure. I could use little bite-sized vidding moments like this more often, I think.

For Your Entertainment (Arrested Development) - Although I hit some despair that I could ever make this vid work, once it started rolling, it just snowballed into this vid and the last half especially flew by. Very fun to re-watch, which isn't always the case with my own vids, I find!

I Am The Lion (BSG) - One of my first negative vids, a vid made with hate in my heart. Heh. I feel like I could have been crueler if I'd made this sooner after the finale, but going through the source with some distance I tempered it a bit and found pity for Adama, not just dislike. I like the end result for the most part; I'm not sure if there was something else I could or should have done with it. It says what I want to say in the way I wanted to say it, but I don't know. Maybe I SHOULD have been crueler?

My Immortal (Arrested Development) - Made for a room party challenge at VVC to vid overvidded songs, this song AND idea were given to me (although in retrospect I think
sisabet might have meant Lucille 2 and not Lucille, hee), but I was happy to run with them. Nothing deep going on here. It was really freeing to use black and white, slow-mo, and fades so injudiciously!

Circle of Life (BSG) - A vid that I'd wanted to make since I saw the finale, I made this entirely for me and posted it because I like sharing the ridiculousness. If a couple of other people laughed, it was all worth it. Not beta'd and that probably shows, but. I mean come on. It's a BSG vid to "Circle of Life."

Overall Thoughts - The good news first: I feel like I am over the internal struggling I was going through the last two years. I've got some confidence back and have some Big Idea vids buzzing away on the backburner of my mind that I am really excited to make. I am happy with my output this year; nothing stands out as something I regret or wish was different, not even the crack vids. The bad news is that while I had a higher output than I thought, in general I simply have no TIME for vidding (and it's only gotten worse the last couple of months). I can only snatch 30-60 minute chunks at best most days, and my vidding style doesn't do well in short bursts. When I do get longer periods it's either late at night, when I should be sleeping, or during a time I should be doing something else "more important." So this year, and I expect from now on, is my struggle with the guilt of vidding!

As for my reflection on the vids themselves, well, it was an interesting year for ideas at least. Heh. I started off with a fairly serious and (hopefully) kind of creepy movie vid, and then took a turn for the comic and the darkly comic.

My favorite of my own vids this year:
The Transported Man

My best vid this year:
HM. I think it's The Transported Man.

Vid of mine most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
I never like answering this question. Next year I'm just removing it. This year I'd have to say probably IATL.

Most fun video:
For Your Entertainment.

Video with single sexiest moment:
Probably Chuck dropping her clothes at the end of Raspberry Beret.

Hardest video to make:
They all had their moments. FYE I really struggled hard with the beginning, but ultimately I think it was most difficult to tame IATL into something resembling anything cohesive.

Most unintentionally *telling* video:
Well, I don't think it's UNINTENTIONALLY telling, but I Am The Lion.

Do you have any goals for the New Year?
Looking at my concrete goals from last year, I have to laugh. The only thing I managed to actually do was finish my
festivids vid. I did also manage to premiere a vid at VVC, though it was for Club Vivid, which hadn't been my original goal. Still! Vids were completed! So there's that.

I do have goals for 2011. In terms of style or content, I want to continue to try things that are a little different for me. I think my Festivids vid is like that. Mostly I want to work on my focus and controlling my fear of making difficult vids. I feel like I'm ready to make them, so I just need to sit down and do it.

Specifically, there are SO MANY vid ideas I want to work on still, and while I thankfully do not get as many as I used to, I end up adding at least a couple every month. (Nothing for Avatar yet, but give it time. *g*) Anyway, here are the vague ideas I'm currently most interested in and most likely to make in the coming year:

- My Festivid vid, obviously. First draft is done, so I'm guaranteed to at least have that. Whew.

- Carver from The Wire vid (if this doesn't get done this year, I will CRY. I also have a McNulty vid idea that I plan to take notes on when I do my re-watch, but as I can only promise one vid from the fandom, it'll be the Carver one)

- Joyce from Buffy vid (short and limited source, an idea that has been on my list for almost as long as I've been vidding; after I make this one I have one last Buffy vid idea that I MUST make, but it will require an intensive re-watch and with The Wire on my re-watch list for this year, I have to hold off)

- John Oxenberger from HCL vid (thanks to Brynn I now have the source in my hands, it's just a matter of whittling the song down and figuring out what I'm going to do with it)

- If AHH and I do our Carnivale re-watch, I'll take notes and hopefully make my general show vid for that

- We've been re-watching Mag7 so I might do my ensemble vid for that show with the source fresh in my mind again, but these others would come first right now

- My Dragons Age: Origins vid that I will have a CLEAN SONG FOR YAAAAY once the Decemberists' CD comes out (me upon seeing that in the CD track list: :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD)

- Plus there's that ridiculous movie vid idea that jarrow and I tossed around at VVC *nudges him*

I'd love to make a Farscape vid this year, too, but that will also require re-watch and that will eat up all my brainspace so The Wire vid is going to have to take precedence over that one. And I have a million due South vid ideas but so many of them are Vecchio/Fraser vids that I have to whittle them down to one good song (which I think I have, but I don't know if I'm ready to go back to dS yet or not...hm, I'll have to let that percolate). I do have a great Kowalski vid song, and there might be space in the fandom for that again, but I don't know S3/4 as well. Plus there are always the ds-recsredux vid and the Sweet Charity vid that I owe and which linger in my head. Sigh.

Honestly you guys, I was going through my To Vid list to pull these out and this is just the tiniest tip of the iceberg of ideas I want to make. We need patrons! But more seriously, 2011 might be the year I bring back the Insane Vidding Project and change it up to do one minute sections of vids from my To Vid list that I would otherwise never ever get around to making. It's worth considering, though one of my favorite parts about IVP is getting ideas from y'all.

No fic again this year. That's not likely to change.

If you have any specific questions about any of these vids, feel free to ask! As always, many, many, many thanks and gratitude to my betas and also to all the people who took the time to leave a comment on my work. It's worth repeating, as it is every year: for the people who say they "only" comment and don't produce much or anything - you all are doing a huge service for fandom. Thank you.

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comments at DW)

meme-tastic, vidding, vid talk

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