I had hoped this entry would be Puplet's next monthly update

Oct 30, 2012 18:22

But I still haven't even started it. So instead you get a brief rundown on my life/week:

Puplet is currently in the bathroom ALL BY HIMSELF, going to the bathroom and playing Godzilla. This whole potty training thing is awesome, especially since Puplet went from diapers to basically self-sufficient in the span of a few days. He even stays dry at night. It's bizarre.

I started volunteering at a cat shelter as a photographer. This is awesome because I get to play with and take pictures of kitties. And then I get to hopefully help get them adopted to loving families.

I also however stumbled on this pair of orange tabby brothers that are basically my perfect cats, and if we didn't already have two dogs and two cats, they would already be home with us. However - FOUR cats feels like an awful lot. So we're sitting on the idea for another week while we ponder the reality of what having six pets and a preschooler would actually be like.

(They're so friendly though. And just over a year, which is the perfect age for our household. And one of them is 14 pounds!)

AHH and I started watching Kings! it's SO SUPER GOOD. We've seen the first 9 episodes and things are so interesting and the characters are so complex and I really love David and Silas is way less purely evil than I thought he was going to be and the LIGHTING HOLY CRAP. Can we talk about the use of light on that show? And the color red? Daaaaaaaaaamn.

We have not watched this week's Castle yet, but it is the show that was previously making me the happiest of all my shows, until last week's Parks and Rec, which worked to assuage my biggest fear about P&R (which is that Ben would be tempted to cheat on Leslie). YAY FOR HAPPY SHOWS.

Now Godzilla is coming for me, so I better go.

This entry was cross-posted at my Dreamwidth account. Please comment here or there. (
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the pets outnumber us, kings, puplet, castle, parks and recreation, photography

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