I have seen the Parks and Recreation finale thanks to fandom's largesse. (I was also unwillingly spoiled for the P&R finale, thank to fandom's tendency to be inconsiderate douchebags, so karmically it evens out.)
Okay, now that I've confirmed the cut is working, my initial thoughts are:
I am having ALL THE FEELINGS right now.
So Tumblr spoiled me for P&R (AS I was un-following my last P&R blog specifically to PROTECT MYSELF, of course) by posting a picture of Leslie putting her picture up with the other city councilmen, and I don't know if I successfully convinced myself that it was from a different episode or WHAT because having seen that going in, I was still on the edge of my seat the entire episode.
I believed she was going to lose up until April said "it's still 21 votes" and then my face did the same thing Leslie's did with the scrunching and the CRYING and holy crap I cried SEVERAL times during this episode. I figured I would going in, but I still wasn't prepared for the moment she finally won. That and her FACE when she was voting oh my GOD AMY POEHLER I LOVE YOUUUUUUUU.
This episode actually felt like it had a ton of movement - Ron deciding not to take the Asst City Manager job is as much a declaration as Ben moving to DC (Nooooooo!). And Andy is going to (try to) become a cop! What a hilarrible idea! Heh. Tom and Ann moving in together is just a terrible idea.
But yeah, what a GREAT GREAT season finale. A perfect cap to the season, a perfect start for next season (hoping and praying they get picked up, even if it's only for a shortened 13-episode season!), and a totally satisfying mix of funny, sweet (Ron finding Leslie in the city council chair! I LOVE THEIR FRIENDSHIP 4EVA), and momentous. I just...Leslie gives me HOPE for politics, even though she's a fictional character. Her way of thinking about things really resonates with me, and I suspect a lot of people, deep down. A small, committed group of people can change things! It's so inspiring! Leslie Knope for Emperor of the World! Waffles for everyone!
And look: it only took me until the season was done to go find and upload some icons!
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