I honestly have like eight BILLION things I should/could be doing right now - responding to comments or emails, weeding either yard, vidding, napping, playing more iFarkle on my phone, worrying about my doggie at the vet - but HERE I AM because TWOP has CROSSED THE LINE re: Eddard Stark.
Ned Stark #1 Worst TV Dad ARE YOU SHITTING ME WITH THAT? (Link has major spoilers for ep 9, "Baelor" so beware if you haven't watched it yet.)
We almost put Jamie Lannister on here, since he's got all those illegitimate children he doesn't acknowledge... but one of those kids is king now, so we can't say they're really suffering because of their gross absentee father. Instead, we've nominated Eddard "Ned" Stark, who left his comatose son behind while he went down south to his fancy new job, pimped out his daughter to a sociopath, exiled his bastard son to a life of celibacy and bone-chilling cold, killed one of his children's cute pets and, worst of all, was so slow and ineffectual in recognizing and reacting to the machinations of his enemies that he ended up getting himself killed, leaving his family vulnerable to imminent death and dismemberment. Happy Father's Day, Starks!
OKAY FIRST OF ALL, I wouldn't put Jamie Lannister there either. What about Robert Baratheon? What about Tywin Lannister? What about ALMOST ANYONE ELSE on the show?
SECOND OF ALL, Jon WANTED to go to the Wall and ultimately it was best for him anyway. At least Ned brought him to Winterfell and treated him as a son!
THIRD OF ALL, he WASN'T FUCKING SLOW AND INEFFECTUAL, GOD. Please see my other post regarding my feelings about THAT.
FOURTH OF ALL, he didn't really even WANT to be Hand of the King, he was trying to be a good friend. It's not like he was all "woo hoo! I'm the Hand! SUCK IT, WINTERFELL."
FIFTH OF ALL, no one knew Joffrey was a sociopath and Ned thought he was doing well by Sansa!
SIXTH OF ALL, he was actually trying to do the RIGHT THING BY HIS FAMILY at the end and JOFFREY BEING A LITTLE BITCH is what killed him.
Gah. Ned is weirdly naive, and believes too much in the honor of others, but he is NOT the worst father on TV!
Flames! On the side of my face!
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