My life is a succession of fannish obsessions right now

Mar 13, 2011 21:47

To wit:

1. Today I was fully initiated into the Cult of Hugh and lo, it was GOOOOOOOOOOD. I am still reeling from the HDRC performance of "Rebel Yell" (the SUIT and the HAIR and the VOICE), but we journeyed through some amazing stuff. I now know about the woman who compared her carb problem to Hugh's HEROIN ADDICTION (never. not. hilarious); about that time during a concert when Trent whispered SOMETHING to Hugh that made him make the MOST INTERESTING face I've ever seen; about the super-hot down-note moment Trent makes on one of the last "waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave"s in "Smile and Wave" (my current favorite song and video); about how Hugh managed to even win over "cynical Charlie Brown" because, let's face it, Hugh is just that awesome; and about how the "And" video never makes any more sense, no matter how many times you see it, except it is CLEARLY about PRISON BREAKS, so I of course love it. I also ate my weight in chips. It was a good day.

2. Dragon Age 2 is EATING MY SLEEP but it is (mostly) worth it. The stuff! And the things! And the people! I have done a bunch of quests and seem to have a bunch more to do, but I am the most stupidly thorough map-explorer you will ever meet (it drives AHH craaaaazy), so that takes a lot of time.

3. I LOVE COMMUNITY SO MUCH, Y'ALL. I'm spoiling myself like crazy for the finale and I am SUPER EXCITED for it and upcoming episodes. Why has there been no new Community for TWO WHOLE WEEKS? And I was so happy that Troy won FMM! YAY TROY! YAY COMMUNITY FANS!

4. COMICS. BABS IS STILL THE BEST. I've just started reading Birds of Prey from the beginning, which is an interesting exercise since I've read a few of the later trades. You know how fandom is always wondering where the good female characters are? Here's a tip for you - they are in comics! I didn't know either!

5. VIVIDCON! Even though I accidentally fell asleep and didn't wake up until a bit after nine, I did in fact get registered. Woooooooo! Now I just have to figure out what I'm going to do for premieres (probably the vid that's currently lingering on my timeline, but IDK for sure) and hopefully get a Club Vivid in as well.

I have also, of course, been following the real-life tragedy in Japan, the happenings in Libya, the mockery of democracy in Wisconsin. But I'm not sure what to say except: my thoughts are with those who are suffering.

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community, vividcon! yay!, dragon age, comics, hugh flu has infected me

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