I am going through Avatar withdrawls, y'all. I need moar episodes! And yet there are none! That is woe-making.
So instead I decided to make a few icons and share with you my two RIDICULOUS vid ideas. I can tell I'm in full-on fannish mode for ATLA when I start getting ridiculous vid ideas that somehow still seem doable.
And my two vid ideas:
Christopher Cross, "Sailing" - Appa and Aang vid. When the wind is right you can sail away and find tranquility! I am seriously considering this, you guys.
2. The Beatles, "Here Comes The Sun" - Everyone in the world ♥ Aang. It's been a cold, long, lonely winter! But here comes the sun/Avatar! AM I RIGHT?
Time to order the DVDs, methinks.
Do you guys have any silly vid ideas you want to share today?
Oh! And I got this meme via
nicole-anell: Comment, and I will tell you a random topic. Pick your top two things in that topic, and post them to your own lj.
My two were Community episodes! This was tough, especially since I haven't seen all of season 1 (or even most if it, hee) and so might change my answer another time. My CURRENT top two Community episodes are
2. "Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas" - I love Christmas specials and they killed this one. I even got super sad at Britta-bot and laughed really hard at all of the characters-leaving-songs. Plus we got Teddy!Pierce. Hee.
1. "Epidemiology" - I watched this episode SO MANY TIMES and I'm not even that big of a zombie person. But the CAT thing alone makes it super-amazing. It's funny and tightly paced and just works on all levels for me.
It's almost the new year! I have a bajillion things I want to accomplish, not the least of which is my Favorite Music of 2010 post (and, um, my festivid *cough*)! Instead I am watching Avatar vid after Avatar vid. I will have a small recs post soon! Since I should actually be getting stuff done (and having some fun) this weekend, I will assume I'm not posting again until next year. I hope you all have a safe and happy new year! I plan to sleep. Begin as you mean to go on and all that. Much love to you, flist.
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