We have finished Avatar!
I love love love the resolution with Aang removing Ozai's firebending skills. I didn't see that coming and wasn't sure how they were going to handle whether to kill him or not. I hoped he wouldn't suddenly become good and so that resolution was nifty keen-o to me. Azula sure went crazy, didn't she? I actually felt bad for her, chained up and freaking out at the end. Unlike Buffy, when all she had was herself it just wasn't enough. I was so happy to see Iroh again! I totally cried when he grabbed Zuko and hugged him. I AM NOT MADE OF STONE. The fight scenes were absolutely stunning. The one between Zuko and Azula especially stood out for me because of the music they used. And I adored how Katara finally beat her; that was intense. Aang and Ozai's fight felt appropriately EPIC, too, which was awesome. And oh! Oh! Toph and Suki and Sokka on the warships, and Toph and Sokka holding on so tightly, and Toph's TEARS omg SO SAD. TOPH SHOULD NEVER CRY.
As for the 'ship situation, well. Hee. There was some great Zuko/Katara groundwork laid and as a fan I can make do with what the current canon gives me (although I've ready about the sequel and have to laugh - they are not making it easy with that, y'all *g*). My problem is two-fold, really. One, I don't really want to do anything with teenage (and pre-teen) characters anyway, so some chaste kisses on the show itself is enough for me. Aang is only 12, 13 tops. My other problem is that while I think Zuko/Mai is adorable, I PERSONALLY only ever saw the brother-sister thing between Aang and Katara. (I mean Aang was infatuated, yes, but I guess it's Katara who I never saw returning the feelings.) But within the context of the story the show was clearly trying to tell, it all tied up in a nice little bow. :)
HOWEVER. I would totally take any good Zuko/Katara recs, especially if it's future!fic.
Have I mentioned how much I love Toph? Just throwing that out there.
So yes. I loved the ending and thought it was a perfect fit for this excellent show. Time to go watch some vids! FINALLY OMG.
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