Help me, flist - I'm feeling dense

Jul 30, 2010 11:13

AHH and I saw Inception last weekend and loved it. I'm actually feeling pretty fannish about it, specifically for Arthur/Eames and just to know more about the secondary characters in general. I have so many questions about them, and the world, that I know fandom could fulfill. Thankfully there are already communities out there creating stories and vids and icons. ILU, fandom.

But here's my issue - I thought the ending of the movie was ambiguous, that you could decide for yourself whether the top fell or not, and thus whether Cobb was in a dream or not. But people seem pretty confident that it was just supposed to mean he was in a dream. Or in limbo? I don't know anymore, and that's where I get confused. I felt like I had a really good understanding of the movie, but the way I've seen people talking about it, I'm not sure what to think. Clearly this means I'll have to watch it again (OH DARN), but in the meantime, for those of you who saw Inception - what is your takeaway from the film? I'm very curious!

Also, how awesome is Joseph Gordon-Levitt? SUPREMELY AWESOME.

And continuing the memes!

30 Day TV Meme

Day 13 - Favorite childhood show

Soap. I LOVED THIS SHOW. Let me see if I can find some clips on YouTube to share the greatness, but off the top of my head there's: Burt, Burt pretending to be invisible, Jessica, BENSON (ILU BENSON, YOU'RE MY FAVORITE), Chester, Billy Crystal playing Jodie (who was gay), I recall a possessed baby at one point? AND CHUCK AND BOB OMG. IDK, it was crazy-awesome though. I never missed an episode and if I was going to, I recorded it on the VCR!

Here's a clip with Jodie, Chuck, and Bob.

Burt chokes Bob (Bob is a dummy, btw.)

Benson & Chester being awesome.

The opening intro. Wow. That took me back.

Other notable childhood shows I loved: Knight Rider; Dukes of Hazzard; Reading Rainbow.

(Also, because it doesn't really seem worth it, I'm not going post the full lists until the very last day, then you can go back if you want.)

30 Day Song Meme

Day 13- A song you sing to in the shower

It has to be something I can really belt out, that I know really well. This is a likely candidate:

Journey - Separate Ways (mp3;

I leave you with this hilarious comic passed on to me by brynnmck: Metaphorical Puppyverse (aka, GODDAMMIT JOSS WHEDON). Hee.

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meme-tastic, inception, linky mclinkerston, can music save your mortal soul, misc tv

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