California voters are being presented with Proposition 8 this election, which is an effort to ban gay marriage in the state. Unfortunately, it looks like it's doing well, and the No on Prop 8 team needs additional donations to try to fight back. If you're able to give even $5, please please please consider doing so. If gay marriage loses California, I fear it'll be a long time coming back again. Gay marriage does not affect heterosexual marriage, it does not cheapen the institution of marriage, it does not cause the end of the world. It does allow two people who love each other and are committed to each other an opportunity to have what the rest of us take for granted, and often abuse.
You can donate here. Quick thoughts on last week's The Office:
This show really benefits from the half hour format. I liked last week, but everything gets so much sharper and crisper in the 30 minute format. I'm relieved, once again, that they didn't make drama out of Jim and Pam's engagement, and we got bonus flying tackle by Michael. Hee. Also, Michael and Holly's ethics filk was incredibly hard for me to watch; it's the way they didn't cut in on the chorus, but decided to bounce around through one of the verses first without saying anything. Well-done, show. However, Michael defriended Holly right in the restaurant, did you see his face? That's the face of "I'm defriending you right now." She betrayed the family! Funnily enough, that was all I needed to love Holly completely, so thanks for that, Michael. As for Meredith. I'm not surprised. (I have to look into my soul to ask the question whether I'd do it for cheese fries. *g*) Jim taunting Dwight with the wrong BSG information made me have to pause the episode so I could laugh my ass off.
AHH and I have also started watching The Middleman as our new DVD show. I hesitate to bring it up because I'm really not sure what I think of it yet, though we've only seen 2 episodes.
Some of the wacky, cheesy stuff works really well, but a lot of it feels kind of awkward and affected to me, and I can't tell if that's the writers getting comfortable, the actors getting comfortable, or the way the show is going to be. I'm interested in the Middleman's story (and all of you who said he was basically Benton Fraser: holy cow, is he!), and Wendy walks that very fine line of being extremely awesome and Annoying Spunky Girl Wonder without tripping over into the annoying part so far, though she's skipped dangerously close once or twice. But the way they embrace the obvious over-the-top-ness is pretty great, and the succubus stuff really enlivened the show a lot for me, so, AHH and I both are willing to keep giving the show a chance to win us over completely.
Today's edition of complaints I am happy to have: I've had to to keep updating my Michae/Alex recs post a lot recently because of all the good fic that keeps coming out.
More information on William Fichtner's (potential) new show, Night and Day:
A hybrid television format - "Day" follows the professional life of ATF officer Dan Hollister as he leads a "Special Threat Intervention" task force" (STI) through a dangerous underworld that threatens the homeland security of The United States of America. "Night" continues a day in the life, following Hollister home as he and his wife, Elizabeth, ford the challenges of their life together raising three teenagers in a modern world - all this while transitioning into the beginning of the third act of their lives. "Night and Day" consists of two separates casts linked through the daily experiences of Dan Hollister.
Sounds like he'll be heavily involved in both parts of the show, which: eeeeeeee. And the idea sounds interesting, too, which means I can watch it without sacrifice. Score!
I also have 12 Prison Break icons to share, mostly from 4x07, but a smattering of others, too. Pretty much all Mahone-based, with two Gretchen. I'm also experimenting with a new image program (GIMP) and techniques, so some of these might look weird. Heh.
Take, comment, credit. Caps by
phoenixothon. Text questions, please ask; it's probably stolen from a song lyric, though.
This just in: I
love you, Prison Break
carcinya suggested an Alex Mahone Hug Festival, which, GENIUS, right? This has got me thinking lately about Sucre & Alex as buddies, which is something I feel we need to see for great justice.)
I'm also vidding. I've got about 50 seconds done and I don't hate it. This is a rare and beautiful feeling.