These were super-fun to do. Thank you guys for the prompts. :) No real spoilers in any of these.
Sansets asked for:
3 things Duck and Dan did after the world ended from meatballs!
1. Re-enacted that scene from Lady and the Tramp all over Canada. Duck was always the Tramp.
2. Duck coated them in paint and shellac and Dan coached the world’s first - and only - Meatball Soccer League with end-of-the-world rules.
3. Became vegetarians. They just got sick of meat.
Scrubschick asked for:
Three things Malcolm Reynolds did after River destroyed the world.
1. Got drunk. Really drunk. More drunk than he’d ever even tried to get after the war, and when he woke up from passing out, he drank himself back to unconsciousness.
2. Yelled at Zoe for taking away all of his alcohol, giving him a cold bath, and forcing food down his throat. Couldn’t that damn woman see when a soul wasn’t interested?
3. Found a new ship - a smaller, faster ship that didn’t have room for passengers - and called her Albatross.
Keerawa asked for:
Three things Leoben did after the world ended by divine intervention.
1. Looked everywhere for Kara Thrace, across all the galaxies they could get to, but she - and Earth - had both been destroyed.
2. Spent an age trying to touch the light of the divine, until he knew what he had to do.
3. Got all the remaining Leoben copies together in a single basestar. Their time had passed; their time had come. All they left behind was dust.
Primroseburrows asked for:
Three things Darren Nichols did after the world ended by bad acting.
1. Received a note from Geoffrey- unsigned, but Darren knew who it was - that said, simply, “I told you so.”
2. Threw away all of his scarves as a social statement. He’d always secretly felt that scarves represented censorship, tied as they were around the neck; by getting rid of his, he was making a stand that said that even in the ruins of civilization, acting should not be banished.
3. Met in a pitch-black room three nights a week to take acting lessons from Nahum. One couldn’t be too careful.
Belmanoir asked for:
Three things Curtis did after the world ended by cats.
1. Stocked up on spray bottles filled with water and moved Hope, her father and his girlfriend, Newbie, and himself to live by a river.
2. Made peace with Lucky and brought her as many cans of tuna as she wanted.
3. Bought a lint roller.
Annavtree asked for:
Three things Cox did after the world was ended by Doctor Barbie.
1. Thanked God that at least Hugh Jackman had been a casualty.
2. Punched Doctor Barbie’s ex-boyfriend, the dolphin guy, when he came in looking for her, wanting to tear her down. “It was an accident,” Cox had said, “and any last one of you idiots couldn’t even have made it that far because your tiny little brains would have exploded at having the choice being laid in front of you. And that goes double for you, Nancy,” he said, pointedly cutting J.D. off before he could start whining about how he could’ve made the same stupid decision as Reed. “At least she was able to hold her blonde head together long enough to do something.”
3. Found Elliott in the last standing closet in a house that had otherwise burned down, and held her.