Don't cry for me, Argentinaaaaaaaaaaa

Mar 02, 2007 14:37

So far today I have:


Watched "The Thin Dead Line" episode of Angel. And the first episode of A:tS that I've watched in a long time. It's one of my favorites, mostly for the good Kate stuff and the great Wes/Gunn stuff. "Is this morphine? It's bloody lovely."

Watched this clip of tiger cubs and baby orangutans playing together.

Watched this Around the World in 4 Minutes video from It made me want to travel.

From there, I found this Barenaked Ladies video that uses a bunch of popular viral video folks, including the aforementioned Matt. It's a great song and a funny video. I recommend it.

I also wrote traumatizing Kowalski/Welsh snippets for brynnmck.

And I'm now doing more work with Evita on in the background. I love this movie. I also think it is Antonio Banderas at his hottest. If I had my DVD with me, I would do a proper pic!spam, but here are a few examples via Google Images.

Oh, and Pedigree? That "I don't know how I got here in this shelter" and "I'm a good dog" commercial? NOT PLAYING FAIR. NOT AT ALL.

ETA: Here, you can watch it on YouTube if you're a masochist. Heh.

linky mclinkerston, pic!spam

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