Thank you for the really fascinating answers to the last post. I ended up getting a bunch of work (of course) so I will get back to those comments today. I just wanted to share a couple of items and wish you all a very happy weekend
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It's so sad! There are pieces of dialogue on the show that always get me teary-eyed. Like "I hope you meant what you said in the neural cluster. I did." WAAAH!
I have to mention it again: you did know that Jewel is Blair's "cousing Geri" from the Facts of Life? How sweet was the waltz with her and Doc? And that Al has a soft spot for her?
There's a weird mix of gentility and violence in Al that is fascinating and attractive. Which is scary. When he tells Doris to go ahead and spit it out... Wow. I was freaked that I was so touched by that.
Jane's not going away. She's in Season 2. ANd I love Joannie a whole lot, too.
You know, I remember you mentioning it and I totally forgot to comment on it. "Facts of Life" trumps ALL! Hee. I loved the waltz, I loved her "say I'm nimble as a forest fairy." Awwwww.
Wow. I was freaked that I was so touched by that.
OMGWTF SO WAS I. I'm glad you said that. I remember thinking, "gosh that was nice of him." And then mentally slapping myself because he'd basically just forced her to give him the bj in the first place. I also should not find him attractive at all but I do. He is tricksy.
new SG-1 photos!mesascaperApril 22 2005, 14:55:30 UTC
I've been waiting to see some official photos *g* you know. July isn't that far off. it'll be nice to see Ben on TV again and I'm looking forward to seeing Ben & Claudia sharing screen time. What an outfit they put on Claudia!
oh, and because you pimp thm so nicely, I went out an bought the new CD by The Decemberists.
Re: new SG-1 photos!sdwolfpupApril 22 2005, 14:57:59 UTC
I'm looking forward to seeing them onscreen together again, too. Claudia looks very mischevious in that photo, something about her face. Should be really fun. :)
I went out an bought the new CD by The Decemberists
Comments 48
PS: tzikeh showed me y'all's play-by-play chat. People got teared up just thinking about what I was watching? That is just SO SAD!
There's a weird mix of gentility and violence in Al that is fascinating and attractive. Which is scary. When he tells Doris to go ahead and spit it out... Wow. I was freaked that I was so touched by that.
Jane's not going away. She's in Season 2. ANd I love Joannie a whole lot, too.
Wow. I was freaked that I was so touched by that.
OMGWTF SO WAS I. I'm glad you said that. I remember thinking, "gosh that was nice of him." And then mentally slapping myself because he'd basically just forced her to give him the bj in the first place. I also should not find him attractive at all but I do. He is tricksy.
Jane comes back! Yay!
*has died* *and probably not gone to Heaven*
I can add "TA-DAAAAH!!!" to the animation if you like ;)
You know, the best part is the dancing. I bet the Pope would've appreciated that. He seemed like he had a sense of humor. :D
you know. July isn't that far off. it'll be nice to see Ben on TV again and I'm looking forward to seeing Ben & Claudia sharing screen time. What an outfit they put on Claudia!
oh, and because you pimp thm so nicely, I went out an bought the new CD by The Decemberists.
I went out an bought the new CD by The Decemberists
Woo! I hope you enjoy it. :D
My God, that show makes me happy.
That is *exactly* how I feel about it. I can't explain it, but it just makes me so happy.
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