movin' on

Nov 07, 2006 11:29

I've decided to smosh my LJs in one new one. Though my SN fannishness has been rather lacking lately, I will be coming back to it. Just not here. I'm more obsessed right now with Torchwood and Doctor Who, but SN is still my main fandom. --All that is next to Firefly, actually, which is above the list. *G* What? I like lists.

Assuming my net access doesn't go all wacky again--Verizon "fixed" it but they also sorrta "fucked up" so it's sortta "not totally fixed" and I'm sortta "bitter" can't you tell?--I'll be adding this wonderful f-list of mine over to the new LJ. Ya'll are welcome to add or not add me as you like, of course. ::smile:: Love meeee!

So to sum up: I am moving to my brand new LJ, browncoatjack.
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