and for the win!

Oct 07, 2006 12:04

This morning me and the family were, as usual, listening to Wait, Wait...Don't Tell Me! (The NPR News Quiz). They were joking about the awful pun-y headlines used to announce the UN's new chairman, Ban Ki-Moon.

The headline that got the laughs was, of course, "Bad Moon Rising."

This meant that on the next ad break they played the song that makes all of us think of squished, bloody Winchesters. I did my very best not to jump up and down with the SQUEE, but I was grinning like a madwoman. My mother, clueless, then asked my dad if he knew who sang it. He was I was pretty darn sure (as well I should be!) but I asked my mom who she thought it was.

I was right, she was wrong. ::G:: See, despite my momentary break from the show, I'm a good little fan.


Speaking of, I will try and watch 'Everybody Loves a Clown' this weekend. I'm so far fairly spoiler-free. Fairly.
--And while I don't totally trust my newspapaer's TV Guide thing, which says 'Everybody Loves a Clown' the only place I've seen "everyone" used in the title is on LJ.
I've never been in another fandom where, like, half the people get the episode titles wrong. I'll be nice and say it's 'cause we have odd ep titles. As long as we can all agree on the one-word titles, the world won't end...
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