2x01: In My Time of Dying

Sep 29, 2006 11:24

I am having of no reaction at this time. Really. I'm jello.

Got to skip=90 on my f-list. That's what I get for going to bed at 9:00pm. I only skimmed most of it; just had to dl the usual caps 'n' songs. Which I will then file.

I have perfect faith that everything will be good and shiny. Nay, that everything will be right, which is never happy and shiny. But it makes ME happy and shiny.

New intro? RED. Last season was blue intro and DVD box, this season will be red. ::licks lips:: Perrrfect.

Dr. Kripke is fucking full of his fucking self. Like what in the hell was he doing buying art in whatever town, like, five months ago? Really, not that many people have that name...

My wallpaper is smiling so nicely at me; I think I'm gonna go eat some food and watch Dark Angel and...other shows. If I keep thinking about this damn show I'll...just...keel over.

I have nothing to say but MEEP. In the loving sort of way.


As I said, I have faith. Lots and lots of faith...


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