
Sep 28, 2006 09:20

This morning I was really wishing that this premiere was about two weeks or so from now. It's just not a good time for me.

The least reason being I'm totally madly in love with a different show and looking forward to re-watching yet another show far more than I was SN. I have awesome timing, eh? :P

But the biggest reason is that I lost my baby bunny Faye yesterday. To say I loved her is a gross understatement. And she died at two years old--and should never have died at all. She died 'cause someone was stupid and got her and a unknown number of rabbits poisoned through their dinners. She died in a lot of pain...and I'm really not dealing.

So...depressed is one way to put it. I'd really like to enjoy the SN squeeing and fun when I'm not a total mess. But I guess I'm just gonna have to let it be a break from said mess as much as I can.

That does seem to be working. 'Cause this morning I was sitting on my bedroom floor feeding my new roommate bunny (I've had Val since she was born four years ago, but she's just moved into Faye's old cage in my room) and my old one (Rascal, the seven-year-old Crypt Keeper rabbit I also bred myself) and I had the radio on.

Announcer dude starts talking about "The new CW Thursday" and I...perked up. Okay, I sat up like I'd been shocked or something. ::g:: I knew I should turn it off 'cause of the OMGSPOILERZ!!! but I didn't. And after going on forEVER about frickin' Smallville, he said "Last season the Winchesters were [hit by a big fucking truck]" --I don't actually remember what words he used, but they played a relocated clip of Sammy doing his best "DEAN!" roar and the sound of said Big Fucking Truck slamming into Dean's baby. (And of course my hero and my--I wish--love AND my beloved little brother. Fucking truck.)

"But a stranger fate awaits them..." And then Dean said something really strange and he and Sam, like, freaked out (man) or something.

I don't really care that I'll probably only realize how spoiled that made me when I watch the ep--it made me WANT to see it. So today I'm finally gonna watch my DVD of 'Devil's Trap' to make sure it's not fucked up like so many I've heard of. Cutting it close, yeah. And tomorrow I'm gonna do my best to enjoy the new episode along with everyone else who doesn't watch it on TV.
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