Mother wanted to run to Lexington for a bit of shopping, and asked if I'd like to go. "Sure why not?" I thought. I'll take the laptop, work on my web site, and what not.
The best laid plans of mine and horses...
I got a bit done. Mainly just a minor tweeking of it, which I will say looks far better. More logical.
Then I hit Waldens, and that's the last thing I knew.
Why is it, magazines have to be so dammed enticing??
I got a legendary magazine by sheer chance. 2600! I doubt 99% of LJ land even knows what that is, but along us hackers in the computer biz, it's legendary. It's a sort of fanzine of computer, and telephone hackers. Tips on how to hack, letters from other hackers, meetings, etc. This brings back all sorts of fun memories of the 80s and 90s when magazines existed like this. With code, and tips, and [wipes off drool] I feel old! But :) Anyway, I have heard of this magazine for years. As far back as high school, but never saw a copy. I didn't even know it existed anymore. But there it was. Just laying there like it saying "Please take me" The girl said that it sells fast, so that's why I probably never saw it. Along with being a quarterly too.
I'm now signing up for a subscription! You can too, by going to: To note here: I'm a hacker, not a cracker. Crackers break into systems to do mischief. Hackers mearly take a system (or other electronics), and tinker with them to understand how they work, and make them work better. Linux is the ultimate hacker's OS. (Even though anymore I'm too old to do this anymore.) I'm a hacker from 1981, and Apple IIe was my hack machine. :)
Sientific American, and "Idenity Crisis" rounded out my purchases. Both also kept me going all the time we was gone. I must admit, I have heard of Idenity Crisis, and saw one or two books, but never read it in it's entirity. It's... worth the money if you can find the graphic novel. One of the few times I've ever read a graphic novel, of such depth, and quality. I'd say "Kingdom Come" would be just behind this, in sheer quality.
I almost got "Flood" the new book by Dr. Stephen Baxter, one of my favorates, but I honestly don't have $30 to spend for a new novel. So I'll get it via the library, then later, used.
It sucks to have little money to play with, but I'll manage :)
On the way home, we heard something wierd on the radio. A guy was interviewing a witch, who claims she worships Satan....
Listening closly to her, lead me to think the woman is mentally unhinged. She had no personallity at all, almost monotone in her deliveries. If you could see a
oscilloscope of her voice, it'd barely go up and down like a normal voice would. In fact, I'd say that she reminds me very much of Manson.
I happen to know one true Wiccian witch about 15 miles from me. She's a fine person. I've been to her house, she also introduced me to her gorgious mare as well, and I know horses well. This horse was well adjusted. Along with her dogs too. Dogs and horses are horrible liers. So if they was abused, I could tell. they was as sweet as honey. So far too, she's been just a top-notch person on the local boards as well, and after several years, you can notice bad as well as good in people, even over the nets.
I've also met other wiccians as well, all have been good people.
Hence I say that most wiccians are good people, and in my opinion, (and it's not humble) this woman on the radio was either mentally unbalanced, or else one of those no-lifers who has to do something to get noticed for their '15 minutes of fame'