Passed a milestone...and boy did it hurt!!

Oct 03, 2007 11:46

Yeah, 3 straight weeks of work, but I got my 1st stage of my logs done. 8 pages of appraisals I did, all done, out of nearly 5,000 appraisal files.

Today I'll go though, and tally up what I've got. I'm hoping!

In other goofy news:

Sony BMG's chief anti-piracy lawyer: "Copying" music you own is "stealing"

Duluth, Minnesota - Testimony today in Capitol Records, et al v. Jammie Thomas quickly and inadvertently turned to the topic of fair use when Jennifer Pariser, the head of litigation for Sony BMG, was called to the stand to testify. Pariser said that file-sharing is extremely damaging to the music industry and that record labels are particularly affected. In doing so, she advocated a view of copyright that would turn many honest people into thieves.

More here

What makes us thieves, is simple. Even doing what I'm doing now; IE: ripping an audio disk to the hard drive for archival purposes is thief, according to her.

You know what? The more you make a person seem like a criminal, the more they'll act like one to the point that anything they do is criminal. So...I'm a thief!

Know what too? I don't give a shit. Someone once said that a good leader shouldn't order his men to do anything he himself wouldn't do. (I believe it was Sun Tzu but can't find evidence) The same should be said about Sony, Riaa. If you want us to obey your rights, then don't go about making us criminals and start thinking of our rights. We buy the CD/DVD, we should have in writing that authorizes us to at least make an archival copy (in case I loose a track, or even a disk), and be able to copy it to devices of my choice. You can't have it all your way, a balance is needed.

Of course, she's been paid to say "It's my personal belief that Sony BMG is half the size now as it was in 2000," she said, thanks to piracy. In Pariser's view, "when people steal, when they take music without compensation, we are harmed."

She didn't mention how that since 2000, they've sued grandmothers, people who don't even know how to turn on a computer, and such. How they've been cranking out shit, Making copycat acts, and not supported, or teaching new acts like they use to do back in Ray Charles, Jackson 5, and others' era. All short term profits, instead of long-term goals. Oh, did I forget to mention how Sony engaged in a very nasty attack on their customers by installing a rootkit onto their systems, and damaging them?

Sorry, that must have slipped my mind. Like it did hers.

Yes, continue to attack the people that are paying your salaries, that's brilliant! I wish I thought like a big company, I'd have so much money, that I'd be like Sammy Davis in his song 'Oceans Eleven'  "Someday I'll have stacks of folding green"

Well I'm archive more songs.

appraisal test, riaa, rant

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