Bad way to start a day

Oct 01, 2007 10:40

Woke up from an odd dream. Met one of our listing agents in the field, and he lookd a bit nervious. But when I went by I found one of the barns was a Mail Pouch barn. There was a dog with me, a pup, long fuzzy haired as well. As I got into range to take a photo, this weird looking guy came in, and also my listing agent. Then, this weird guy pulled a gun and pointed it to me. I ducked down and yelled don't shoot! He turned and look at our listing agent, who ALSO pulled a gun on him, then the dog started to go after the guy, and I told him, 'Don't shoot him mister, he's not a threat, he's only 6 months old' (He was a tiny pup anyway).

Finally all was settled, no one was hurt...

There was more to this dream, a lot more of setting up and such.

But you know, that dream really sort of soured my mood?

I've had that before, where a dream can color my mood for quite awile. I've had pavor nocturnus (AKA: night terrors) when I was younger so bad, that for the entire day I could feel the physcial effects. Thankfully I grew out of them.

But anyway, I solved the problem. While reading my 30 or so comic strips I normally read, this one really got me laughing :)

Hopefully that'll work about to about neutral today. Which is good. I'm going to finish up the 1st stage of my log-book this week. I'm in the Us, only one more tray to go though and I'll be done.

Also study [sigh] more study...

Good thoughts of the week go to mewmew Hope she's feeling better, and her grandfather too. Sorry I haven't done much response lately...

- Shado

comics, dreams

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