Jun 18, 2006 01:09
So I got Skype for the first time on Thursday. This is a pretty neat program. I can actually call a landline from my computer for free. Today was my grandmother's 81st birthday and so I called her (in France) via Skype. Only 2 cents per minute. Damn cool if you ask me! Plus, I can talk to anyone on any phone in the US for free! Score! Who needs a landline when you can use Skype?!
Anyway, maybe the novelty will wear off, especially if I should get frustrated by the fact that people can't actually call me.
I went to the Cranston contra dance tonight for the first time. Paltry attendance, but a cute little dance hall and familiar faces. It was "rock and roll" contra tonight - something I had never heard of. It was remarkably fun to do. Essentially the dances are fit around classic rock and roll songs and the lyrics are changed to fit your moves. It's not like square dancing though, because it sounds like the original song that you're doing. It's not a song created for the dance, but rather a dance created for the song. A lot of fun!! I think Brown should try to do a Rock 'n' Roll contra dance one night. It would be nice to change things up. I'll run it by Julia.
My car is still in bad shape. The mechanic said he had a replacement door for me. (for those who don't know, my wonderful car is damaged from my May accident - don't ever drive in New Jersey, by the way). Problem is, the guy is really busy so I don't know when I'll be able to drop it off over there. My car also has a leak in one of the coolant lines. I used duct tape to patch it up and it was working okay as a temporary solution (don't give me that look, I actually did research on it and duct tape is a safe way to keep things running in the mean time). But the coolant line developed a new hole and I'm just hoping my car won't overheat on the way to the mechanic. You know, if he ever says he's no longer swamped with repairs. I can't even use it until then. Yeah. [crosses fingers] [knocks on wood] [prays to some supernatural power who/which may or may not exist/be conscient]
That's it for now. Good night!