Apr 09, 2009 21:01
Paul's car just got a $1,500+ repair job and now the radiator fluid is leaking. So we have to take it back on Saturday. I had a sinus infection for over 3 months. Medication didn't work. I got rid of it by getting acupuncture. Melissa had a sinus infection and ear infection. She finished her 3rd round of medication yesterday. I think she's finally over it. Russell now has a sinus infection. I walked into the Doctors office and told them I think Russell has a sinus infection. The doctor told me I was hired. Russell hates the medicine. But I get most of it in his mouth.
Russell has started trying to figure out walking. He's been taking steps while holding on to things. The other day at work Abe picked him up. When he tried to sit him down Russell wouldn't sit. He stood up and tried to walk away with Abe. Russell has learned how to take his walker, get into the hallway, turn the walker and get into the graphics room. Where he plays with the fake tree or flirts with Michelle. He's been getting really fast in his walker.
We had a very nice Passover dinner with Paul's family last night. Saturday we are going over to meet friends of Paul's parents that they haven’t seen in years. Then Sunday we are doing Easter dinner with my side of the family.
Russell finally started eating baby food. Though not allot. It’s a step in the right direction. I figured out the trick is to make it really thick. He doesn't seem to car much for apples though. He still wakes up at midnight to be fed. I've been sleeping better since the acupuncture. So I've just been keeping him in my bed at night so I don't have to get up in the middle of the night.