Apr 09, 2006 21:45
Competition:the act of striving against another force for the purpose of achieving dominance or attaining a reward or goal, or out of a biological imperative such as survival.
What is it that burns inside of us that wills us to new heights, pushes us through our limits and keeps us from failing? How do we turn it on and off? Is it something that we have control over or does it just appear inside of us whenever it feels it is the proper time? I am trying to figure out what makes me so competitive and drives me to hate the idea of losing and unfortunately all i've done is manage to leave myself contimplating the very idea of failure. Most times it seems I am able to distinguish between the times when the extra drive is needed and when I need to just let it go. That being said, it seems that I have total control over it for all areas of my life except when it comes to sports. Is it wrong to hold everyone up to their max potential? I expect nothing but 110 percent from myself and I yet even though I would never ask someone to do what I do, it still frustrates me when they dont. I spend most of my life laughing and having a good time with the simple goal of making anyones day I come across better. When I step onto the field however its like a suppressed emotion comes out of me and forces to me give more than I think I even have inside of me. An attitude of supremacy takes over and suddenly I find the jokes gone, and all focus is centered on one single event...winning! Its not like I am out there making my team feel bad for messing up, if anything I am very supportive but inside I feel like I am about to explode and then the fun slips away. Everything I love about a sport centers around the struggle between two teams or individuals giving everything they have to walk away exhausted but satisfied with the win or atleast a very hard fought effort in defeat. Its so hard to quiet the flame within when its supposed to be simply about fun but I cant help finding myself pushing myself to the limit and even if I dont let it show, expecting the same from others.
How do you change the very way you were brought up and the very way you live your life? I miss everyday competition more than else in my life. I feel like without a resson to strive for victory there is something missing in my life. I know its wrong to think this way but to me there is nothing more beautiful in life than an athlete perfecting his skill and showcasing it on the playing field. I know that I need to let it go but to me every shot is a game winner and every at bat is another chance to push yourself further than before. Besides, why get out of bed in the morning if your not gonna step up to the plate like the game is always on the line...
...here I remain, the struggle within welcoming the eternal fight of the sun rising against the night...