Mar 03, 2008 15:48
so, things have been going...
no grades for poly sci or econ yet, but i did really well on my business law test last week. the next two weeks should be pretty smooth. nothing big coming up until the 28th, which is my next finance test. i'm not sure what's going to happen with that, it's kind of a wait and see thing.
i say this because my surgery is on the 18th, and we don't know what kind of recovery time i'm going to need. i might be back at school the week after spring break, or i might be out of commission for that week as well. it will all depend.
i have work tonight from 5 to 9, and tomorrow is my phone interview with Charles Schwab. i'm really anxious about that. i hope it goes well, but i don't know what the interview process is for Schwab, so i don't know what will happen after this. after tonight i don't work again until thursday, and that's only a 4 hour shift as well, so that won't be so bad.
i need to work on my taxes. i was actually done, sort of, but my dad has some stuff involving stocks and dividends and whatnot that are/were in my name, so now i need to re-do them with all that information... i probably need to have a long phone call with him and go through it line by line, step by step.
i spent most of the day yesterday working on graduation announcements. i have a big chunk of them done now, which is good, but i don't have addresses and stuff for a lot of the people my mom wants me to send them out to, so that needs to get taken care of. i guess i'm not really expecting to get much in the way of graduation gifts, but i also haven't really been thinking about it. it's weird that when i was graduating from high school it was such a big deal, and it was really exciting to think about getting gifts, but now it's weird to think i'll even get anything. i'd completely forgotten that i even COULD get anything until someone reminded me the other week. if i do get some cash, i'll probably either save it, or use it to pay off my credit card, though there are some things i will need to get if i'm moving into a new place.
i'm feeling a lot less stressed this week, compared to the last 2 or 3 weeks, though i am still a little high strung. i'm getting a little nervous about my surgery, and there's the stress of finding a job. once i know, or at least have been offered a job, i think i'll feel better, but then there will be the stress of finding a place to live, moving, and then budgeting so i don't go broke and can afford rent and food and other stuff. i'm trying to take it one thing at a time, but my mind keeps racing and i start to overwhelm myself.
i need to grab some food and change for work, so i'd better go.