I'd die for you....I'd do anything for you..... But fisting is just Weird

Mar 05, 2004 16:48

hmm I almost forgot how much I love to write....  Being at the poetry slam yesterday gave me hope..  Ever since I was little I've had a love for photography. What made me lose it?  I want to learn EVERYTHING about photography.  Whats the point of living a life without the love of what you do?  Maybe I will still go into communications but I never want to forget about what I want to do...  The passion of the poets brought out my passion...  Whats yours?  What do you love to do?  What makes you feel good?

One thing I know is life is crazy but Im so glad I'm here..  I may not look the way I want...  and god knows my body may not be the right size but I love being in this body!  I love these friends that give my day light.  Yes there are some people that are rude and ignorant, but honestly what do they matter?  They dont.  Theyre not worth it at all......

My Random Words of Advice

Dont look at the past.... look ahead at the life thats ALL yours-----------------Know what your worth.=Youre so original=so work it! :)---------------Wear what you want--------------Think the way you wanna think-----------------Be original=Youre amazing that way---------------STAND OUT----------Talk to someone you dont know---------------Have a conversation with someone before you meet that just so happens to be outside bathroom-------------------------Dont judge yourself ONLY your morals= You do have them!!--------------------------Smile when you wake up-------------------Find the good in people instead of the bad (if they have any)----------------------Take a stand on something= Dont run off on someone elses Ideas= have your own!-------------------Discover who you are and where you stand on situations= Know BOTH sides!-------------------Cry when your upset-----------------------Dont swear randomly in your speech----------------------Write yourself a letter-----------------------------Get pictures taken of yourself----------------------Laugh when someones an asshole cause they dont know anybetter--------------------------------Take chances-------------Walk around your house nakI when noones around-----------Dance when youre in your car alone-------------Scream a lyric or two------------------But dont forget yourself!  Dont let emotions over ride you.--------------Learn from your mistakes...-----------------------MOST IMPORTANTLY LIVE....Dont ever be afraid to live!
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