Jun 15, 2006 22:48
I am getting married in one week and two days! I have been anxious the past week and a little nervous. My family is coming up here from California in a week and I am excited to see them. Lately, I have been working so much and trying to keep up with my bills and cleaning the house. I haven't accomplished much because I have been so tired. My son is growing and has been really fussy. He wants to be held all of the time and freaks out if he can't see me or hear my voice in the room. My parent's have been watching my son a lot lately and it hurts when I have to leave my son to go to work everyday. I wish that I could just take one day out of every week and spend the whole day with my son and not have to worry about cleaning the house, working, or making dinner. I weighed myself today and have lost a total of 35 pounds since I gave birth to my son. I only have 8 more pounds to loose and I will be back to what I weighed before I got pregnant. These last 8 pounds are going to be the hardest to get off. After the wedding, I am going on a healthy diet! Anyway, I should probably get some sleep before my son wakes up again to eat.