Jun 03, 2006 22:49
I am getting married in three weeks!! I am so excited and can't wait until the day that I am Carrie Schmidt. We almost have all the wedding plans set. We only need to pay for the rest of the catering service and get the marriage license. This wedding has been pretty expensive, but well worth it. I hope all of our friends and family can make it to the wedding. My Grandma and Grandpa are coming up in two weeks and my Dad and brother will be here in three weeks! I haven't seen my Grandparents in over 15 years, so it will be awesome to see them again. Anyway, my son is getting so big. He is two months old and tries to roll over. He is getting more fussy by the day, but is sleeping better through the night. I have been so tired lately from work and taking care of my son that I feel drunk when I get up every morning. Starbucks tends to help. My Mom hurt her back at work a couple of weeks ago and has arthritis really bad. I wish that I could take away her pain, but I can't. I took her to the hospital to get cortizone injections in her back to relieve it, so hopefully her back will start feeling better. Justin and I haven't been as close lately because we have been so busy with everything. Hopefully after the wedding, we can spend some more time together. We don't know if we will be able to go on a honeymoon this year because of our expenses, but next year we should definitely take a vacation together. I miss Tiffany from Pizza Hut and hope that she made it safe to South Carolina (I think that is where she moved). Well, I should go and take care of my boy. I hope everyone is having a good weekend :)