Long days. I hate this time of year with a deep and abiding passion because it's dark when I go to work and dark when I come home. Seasonal Affective Disorder my ass! This is torture, plain and simple. I vote we change the earth's orbit to prevent this crap. Or I could move south and live near the equator but they have Really Big Bugs there and I think we would not a good match make.
Yesterday, my iPhone fell in the toilet. No, it was not before I peed, thanksverymuch. It died a quick death and just looked pretty for the rest of the day. No, I really didn't think twice about reaching into the pee toilet to get my phone. I just wish it had been worth the trouble. *sigh*
Last night I wallowed in self-pity and self-flaggellation, having had a patient turn very sour yesterday. I came home near tears, listened to more discussion of our finances from SH (kill me. now. please?), and then spent the whole night wallowing and flaggelating and wondering what I should have/could have done differently. Didn't watch tv. Didn't watch dvds. Drank a glass of wine and went to bed.
Today, fortunately, that very patient looked great. Despite my best efforts. It's better to be lucky than good, I guess. But my neck and shoulders are killing me, either from extreme tension or from lifting a patient, but there are not enough drugs in my medicine chest to make me happy right now. A really hot shower and heavy non-steroidals helped a bit but next on the list are T#3s.
Good news: SH took my phone to the Apple store, they declared it FUBAR, and sold him another one. Yay, phone! He also came home with a 'family pack' of the Leopard OS. I hate to fuck up my laptop when it's working so well. Maybe Sunday. Yeah, Sunday! Sunday I'll upgrade my pretty.
Today I got a postcard from
life_on_queen!! All the way from Ireland! *cuddles it to her meager breast* It's a Guinness postcard and so is totally appropriate and joy-making for me. I miss you, too, hon! *hugs you tight*
The dog ate another emery board. Guess she likes my nails really long when I scratch her.
Damn, I'm tired! Yet another effect of the shorter days. It's 8 PM and I'm ready for bed. Geez!