Scenes from Out Epiphany

Dec 22, 2005 17:47

Written by: cabbers
Pairing: Brian/Justin
Time frame: post season 5
Story Request: happy ending
Requested by: xokadieox

"I know it's small, but the light is good, and it's got everything I need. The bed can go behind that half wall, and then all I'll need is to rig a shower and get a microwave and fridge. Besides, it's only for one week a month." Justin watched Brian pace around the studio. "And I can afford it, which is great. Not that I wouldn't take your help if I needed it," He reassured. "But I'd rather do it on my own if I can. And if I keep going like I have, I can pay for it myself, even if nothing in Pittsburgh comes through."

Justin waited as Brian walked to the curtained window over the sink and peaked out, smirking down at the view. Justin bounced on his heels a little, waiting. "So, what do you think?" He asked at last.

Brian looked at him, smiling. "I think I should fuck you against that half-wall."

"Oh, thank God. It's been almost thirty minutes since I've had your dick in my ass."

Brian ran his hands along the collar of Justin's jacket, then pulled him in close. "I can change that," he said into Justin's smiling mouth.


Justin awoke to the weak gray light of a New York sunrise filtering in through the tiny window, and the feeling of a warm body pressed up against his back.

Brian had been staying with him in his refrigerator box of an apartment for the past ten days. He'd supposedly come up to help Justin move. Ever since Justin had shown up at his door on a Sunday morning two months ago with the news that he was moving home, they hadn't spent a week without seeing each other. They had been too busy re-memorizing each other.

They'd spent every spare moment together, unable to stop seeking each other out. Neither had had a good night's sleep in eight weeks. (If they weren't staying up all night fucking they were calling each other late at night, or working to make up for the time they'd spent neglecting work in favor of each other.) It was a feast after a long, long fast. Not that they'd gone entirely without each other over the past years, but a stolen weekend or all-too-short vacation was totally different from the real reunion they'd both been longing for.

Justin had done enough now, gotten established enough, that he didn't have to spend all his time in the city. He'd gotten a couple of interesting offers in Pittsburgh. One from a gallery, another on a promising graphic novel, and a third from a software company with an office there, to help develop their latest computer graphics program.

He wasn't sure which, if any, would pan out. But, after having poured practically every ounce of his creative energy into painting ever since leaving Pittsburgh, he was ready to branch out a little.

He could paint anywhere (maybe even more easily in Pittsburgh, with enough inspiration to last him a long time), and as long as he could be in New York part of the time to keep up with his commitments and the art scene, there was no reason why he couldn't live three quarters of the time back home. The hardest part, as Brian had teased him, would be remembering what stuff he'd left in which city.

He smiled down at Brian's sleeping form as he got out of the creaky double bed. The prospect of three-quarters time with Brian was intoxicating.

Even thinking about it now, Justin hummed to himself as he went to brush his teeth. Coming back from the cramped bathroom, he saw Brian watching him, eyes still half-lidded with sleep.

"Get back here," Brian told him.

"Alright," Justin told him, standing next to the bed so he could comb his fingers through Brian's hair. "But we're running out of time. If you want another blowjob, you're going to have to help me pack later.

I have to be out of here by tomorrow, and it's your fault I'm only half done packing."

"I didn't hear you complaining."

"Because you kept my mouth occupied."

"I'll show you occupied." Brian pulled his arm, toppling him back into bed. Justin fell laughing.


The arrangement was one week at the studio, three weeks at the house.

After a long internal debate, Brian had decided to keep the house. With the help of a property manager Jennifer had recommended, he'd rented it out most of the time. Surprisingly, there was an available pool of people looking for a short-term lease on a furnished, staffed mansion.

After he'd learned that Justin was coming home, there hadn't been that much to do to get it ready. The timing was convenient, it had actually been empty when Brian had gotten the news, so at least he hadn't had to bribe anyone to leave.

There had been refurbishing to be done, and several weeks had been spent in a fevered daze of Italian design showrooms before Brian had been satisfied. Justin had gotten used to calls at all hours consulting on color schemes. He was actually flattered that Brian thought to consult him.

Aside from a little overall updating to bring the interior up to Brian's exacting standards, only a few rooms had needed to be totally re-done. One of the many guestrooms had become a kid's room for Gus to use when he came down to visit. Another had been sacrificed to become a studio for Justin, who'd been amenable to the idea of not having to find a separate studio space in Pittsburgh. Brian had taken great delight in updating the home office with every imaginable gadget that could help him work from home as much as possible, and keep Justin in touch with the art world abroad.

The biggest challenge had been the master bedroom. Justin had actually had time to get used to decorating his own space during his years in New York, and wanted something in keeping with his ideas of homey, elegant, not-too-sleek comfort. While Brian, on the other hand, would have gone for as sleek and stylish as possible without ruining the ambiance of the rest of the house.

After hotly debating furniture choices for several weeks through voicemail, email, phone call, text message, and face to face conversation, they'd finally hammered out a suitable compromise. Justin had had to give up all of the furniture he'd picked out from IKEA, in return for which Brian had actually agreed to allow the use of earth tones. The result was comfortable to both of them. Which was a good thing, considering how much time they spent in that bedroom.


Justin came into the bedroom late one night to find Brian reading in bed. Only the dim tabletop lamp lit the room as Justin put down his garment bag and came to sit on the opposite edge of the bed, his back to Brian.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be there," Brian told him quietly, putting his book aside.

"It's okay."

"I couldn't back out."

"I know," Justin told him emphatically. "I'm not mad. Well, maybe a little, but I'll let you make it up to me."

"So we can still have the fantastic welcome home sex?"

The best part of Justin living part-time in New York, as far as Brian was concerned, was the fact that every time that he came back, the week-long abstinence made their reunion intense, almost unbearably hot, every single time.

"I'm counting on it." Justin tossed his shoe over somewhere and climbed onto the bed, on top of Brian. Brian reached up and brought their mouths together, the deep kiss reinforcing his apology.

In the six months since Justin had come back, they'd discovered the downside to their arrangement -- they couldn't always be there for each other when they wanted to be. But what they had was enough. More than enough.


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