Who is one, including whether or not they have a poorly educated and less than discerning mind, to believe? A genuine expert in observing and interpreting international events with established credentials, or pathetic self-glorifying snake oil pushers flattering themselves by being able to obfuscate the truth based on valid and corroborated factual evidence and analytical reasoning skills?
Tragically, narcissistic self-serving ghouls still remain positing toxic “alternative facts” about an international tragedy, in the sole interest of stubbornly pandering to the delusions of losers who despise collective humanity that has made them feel like failures in life. These stupid and evil practices consequently make less than discerning minds further oblivious to the truth, and leading them to make hypocritical false accusations, insulting and ridiculing anyone who disagrees with them and their Alexander Dugin inspired anarchistic ultraconservative worldview for having the temerity to expose them for being the stupid and evil losers that they are.
If the Putain propagandist trolls are not going to be subject to natural justice in this broken world, may they get what they deserve when they’re going to be in hell along with whoever else propagates their mendacious claims while claiming to be like a smart person and a very stable genius for spreading toxic disinformation about alleged byzantine “nuances” that are pure bullshit. Has it been worth it for Putain propagandists and their echo chamber adherents to contaminate less than discerning minds so they could prop themselves up on the strength of bullshit, and making pretentious claims about supposedly having superior intellectual abilities? Where are their own scholarly credentials? Has it been worth it for them to entertain themselves by spreading perverse "alternative facts" and contaminating other less than discerning minds?
Personally, I would still wager if those same propagandist trolls were to dare set foot in a university library, taking this initial action to exercise independent critical thinking would ignite their overwhelming bullshit cerebral composition that would make their heads instantaneously combust, let alone expecting any of these "true scholars" to ever produce a lucid and cogent written body of thought entailing applying independent critical thinking to justify their claims for alleged Ukrainian war guilt.
Robin Horsfall
Former SAS Soldier. Writer, Veterans Campaigner and Public Speaker. Operations Nimrod and Mikado. Former SAS Soldier. Writer, Veterans Campaigner and Public Speaker. Operations Nimrod and Mikado
The Duellists. Zelensky and Putin.
The 1977 film The Duellists directed by Ridley Scott tells the story of a Napoleonic Officer who hates so much and so intensely that he cannot accept any form of defeat and eventually his pride destroys him.
I have witnessed that attitude from a small number of businessmen I have protected. They cannot and will not accept any form of defeat. In the face of resistance they double down, time and time again. Defeated, they then set out for personal revenge. There is no level to which they will not stoop to achieve their desires. They are hateful people with no decent core values and yet they occasionally achieve authority because they will not give in. More powerful people often use them as a form of attack dog.
Such people exist in every nation and we don't have to read far down the front page of any journal to recognise them in many places associated with power.
Vladimir Putin has many of these obsessive characteristics. He has learned to use his authority at every level to isolate, intimidate and humiliate all challengers. Those who rose with him supported him in every deplorable crime he committed.
Putin is a victim of hubris, he is so convinced of his invincibility that the idea of defeat is beyond his comprehension. Had he retreated from Ukraine as soon as his advance on Kyiv was halted he would still be the head of a rich, growing autocracy.
However, no one could defeat the Great Putin, Tsar of the Russ. He doubled down, he lost his army, he doubled down, he lost half a million troops and he is still doubling down. He cannot accept defeat.
The Russian army is becoming weaker by the day, it has lost 3500 tanks in one year. That is more tanks than all the nations of Europe combined. The Russian economy is in free fall. Jan and Feb oil industry figures from official Russian sources show a 46% income drop.
Putin will double down again, he will drag more and more unsuspecting dupes into his 'meat grinder' and bury them in the soil of Ukraine because he cannot walk away. Like other tyrants he will continue to destroy his nation until someone in his nation destroys him.
A very famous Austrian from 1945, forced his nation to fight to the death. Millions died as a result of that obsessive inability to accept defeat.
There can be no letting up for Ukraine and the western democracies, Putin will not accept any form of withdrawal and he will sacrifice every Russian to prove that. He gives Ukraine and us no choice but to continue until he is gone, forever.
Slava Ukraini!
Who Dares Shares
Robin Horsfall
The Putain regime's attempts to extend its reach of contemporary colonial imperialism in Syria
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UPmBEY3NHw&t=874, which is akin to the NS-regime using civil war era Spain as a testing ground, with the same chaos inducing elements being re-deployed to Ukraine that has far richer resources to be plundered and land to be ethnically cleansed. Yet, the same sleazy Putain propaganda echo chambers remain making pathetic attempts to obfuscate the truth while demanding to receive validation for their pathetic intellectual failings as supposedly composing possessing superior knowledge about byzantine underlying "nuances" about contemporary events, and still remain making pretentious claims about intellectual abilities on the strength of recycling pathetic lies.
Does the projection/hypocritical about the Azov Battalion to distract attention from the Wagner Group war crimes and crimes against humanity sound familiar? Is it more clear why the evil "Alt-right" was vehemently against the NATO peacekeeping intervention in Syria, and its continued existence as a peacekeeping organisation that has helped preclude further human misery caused by meaningless aggression? The same stupid and evil minions in the Bunker Boy Donnie-Putain Axis remain being frustrated by losing their zero sum game while their perverse fantasies about an Alexander Dugin envisaged anachronistic world order keep being exploded by the reality of how history widely represents progress, and cannot bring themselves to eat their special chocolates pies in a MAGA-ot closet, from which they won't contaminate other less than discerning minds.
In the view of the hopelessly frustrated Alt-right losers and failures in life, any form of MAGA-ot cult element causing chaos to destroy the progress of humanity is worth lauding, and any successes containing their efforts to maintain peace and order are bitterly opposed. Those short-sighted pathetic losers will always be frustrated about how humanity will prevail in the face of wasteful anarchy. Tragically, those living examples of how a mind is a terrible thing to waste will always be too stupid and evil to face this reality, while inevitably being extremely slow learners who are in fact intellectual failures devoid of independent critical thinking and analytic reasoning skills, and will remain seeing their chaos fantasies crushed by reality and factual evidence thereof. It proved to be loo late to salvage the situation in Syria, but Ukraine is sustaining hope for the future of upholding natural justice and preserving freedom.
One of the world's most prolific and shameless bullshit factories in the cynical business of making capital out of political disinformation to contaminate less than discerning minds:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OA_3_dsr4Ms&list=WL&index=4765 An Alt-right "true historian" getting fact checked for being an echo chamber for Putain propaganda. A lot of people don't know that parroting "alternative facts" makes someone like a smart person and a very stable genius who ought to have received honourary doctorates. A lot of people don't know that, believe me:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpWTwl_HBh0&t=186s Tragically, a compensatory narcissist and compulsive liar is enabled to be portrayed as an accomplished scholar without ever having had to do any intellectual work for that position status, and unbelievably stupid and gullible audiences remain unable to engage in any independent critical thinking. Alexander Dugin must be very proud of Jimmy Dore's performance as a compensatory narcissist bullshit factory professing to be like a smart person and a very stable genius who should be awarded honourary doctorates in history and international relations while bullshitting as if facts do not exist, and his adherents are stupid enough to believe everything that bullshit factory asshole says.
Alt-right troll losers and failures in life who despise humanity had "predicted" there were going to be energy riots in Europe according to Putain's master plan to torpedo NATO and disrupt the continued existence of the EU that is supposedly evidently "in tatters," in addition to flatulently stating "Ukraine is finished!" and the establishment of an independent Donbas republic would be cause for celebration.
Would anyone care to fathom what their next nebulous prediction is going to be while fumbling their way through the next Putain propaganda talking point? Spewing perversions of reality is far easier than engaging in independent critical thinking and analytical reasoning based on credible and corroborated evidence. What are those pathetic meathead boobs going to try to predict next while desperately angling for validation and adulation from other self than discerning minds to appear to be like a smart person and a very stable genius who should have received honourary doctorates? Is there going to be any independent critical thinking, or merely just recycling Putain propaganda while claiming to be able to discern "false flag operations" and claiming to be "speaking truth to power?" What are their next "very strong. very powerful, and phenomenally bemusing incisively insightful nuances" going to be? Are they ever going to publish their findings to establish the veracity of their claims according to the peer review process universal scholarly gold standard?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTYPRhWZPuA Would anyone who's like a smart person and a very stable genius who should have received honourary doctorates in history and international relations like to venture to interpret why Putain propaganda shills have abruptly shifted from making bullshit claims about alleged Ukrainian war guilt to making pacifistic claims?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqNGPXggKTc&list=WL... . When are those trolls finally going to percolate to the reality that they are in fact not more intelligent and knowledgeable and better informed than credentialed scholars and journalists with integrity?