Observations on meaningless imperialist colonialism. V

Feb 26, 2023 19:48


The Ostrogoths blunted the advance of the Huns, and the Byzantine empire stymied Asian invasions westward. The Ukrainians are halting the advances of Putain's imperlalist fantasies, while Mr. Broe is administering an antidote to the influences of Putain propagandist trolls, including English speaking ones echoing their contents to contaminate less than discerning minds in the interest of egotistical self-promotion. There are yet to be any lucid and cogent arguments in favour of validating the Putain shills flooding the information field with pure disinformation b.s. aimed at causing chaos and confusion in the interest of self-promotion that is devoid of factual evidence and any analytical reasoning. For more English language lies about this meaningless waste of human life and material, see how Jimmy Dore, Lara Logan, Glenn Greenwald, Kim Iversen, Fucker Carlson, and Jill Stein, et al are embarrassing themselves while making pathetic attempts at claiming to be more intelligent and knowledgeable and better informed that scholars with established credentials and journalists with integrity. John Mearsheimer, if you see these contents, I'm an accomplished historian still waiting with weary patience for the courtesy of a response that does not entail paying you to appear before increasingly dwindling audiences.


Meanwhile, according to Alt-right MAGA-ot shills whose lives are so devoid of meaning that they have nothing better to strive for than causing chaos and discord, genuine experts forwarding informed opinions based on factual evidence and analytical reasoning have somehow inferior intellectual abilities than those with superior cognitive abilities, on the sole strength of being able to justify how Putain propagandists with pseudologia fantastic disorders possess tremendously powerful ingenuous knowledge that is so arcanely byzantine that scholars with established credentials and journalists with integrity could not possibly fathom grasping, since that's how unbelievably fantastic their superior intellect just happens to be: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4piAQvX4oxQ . It remains to be seen just how long it could take before Putain shills and their gullible proponents could finally manager to muster high school calibre critical thinking abilities. Personally, I'm not holding my breath. Factual evidence is irrelevant in the face of cognitive dissonance, and making extremely bizarre claims as a results, such as "Ukraine is finished!", still having the pretentious gall to claim they're like a smart person who's more intelligent and knowledgeable than those who are not stupid enough to believe Putain propaganda.


Poor unprivlieged Russian sods who were unable to get out of the country as draft dodgers are used as cannon fodder for Putain's imperialist's fantasies, while the Wagner troops scum of the country mercenaries compose roughly 25% of the invasion force: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0cI9Ze6JTI . Meanwhile, Alt-right ghouls are using this meaningless conflict for pathetic self-glorification purposes by making mendacious baseless claims about how smart they say they're supposed to be while poisoning less than disccerning minds.


Do western (English-speaking) Putain shills and MAGA-ots, including Jimmy Dore, Glenn Greenwald, Lara Logan, Kim Iversen, and Jill Stein actually believe their disgusting comments about factual realities while being Putain assets promoting themselves in the sole interest of causing discord and chaos since these losers despise humanity? Weaponised wording can have a destructive effect on less than discerning minds who must be duly educated about factual evidence to contain the spread of pure evil spewed by such pathetic keyboard warriors whose contents are never subjected to quality control considerations, as is the absolute universal gold standard for responsible scholars and journalists with established credentials.

Tragically, there is not any accountability on social media for poser losers who appear to be desperately seeking validation for their meaningless lives by making pathetic attempts to appear to be knowledgeable and intelligent among other such less than discerning minds. This especially applies to be poorly educated MAGA-ots, as well as those whose first language is not English.
Anyone with a huge and fragile sense of self-worth and makes pathetic claims to be like a smart person and a very stable genius who should have received honourary doctorates as a result of accepting those perverse fantasies, read the contents below written by a genuine soldier-scholar fighting the good fight to forward as antidotes to the toxic destructive influences of pathetic keyboard warriors serving only as nihilistic Putain trolls. Make the supreme effort to at least attempt to exercise some high school calibre critical thinking skills and learn something about being bubbleheaded propaganda echo chambers:

Robin Horsfall
Former SAS Soldier. Writer, Veterans Campaigner and Public Speaker. Operations Nimrod and Mikado
Critical thinking died.

Most civilised people do not understand the politics of power and violence. It shocks them when it arrives because no one has taught them how to deal with it. An individual or a nation must always maintain enough leverage, strength and some promise of counter violence to prevent a conquest, - be that in a playground or on the Russian steppes.

Most decent people value the safety and prosperity that peace brings and hope that everyone else hold the same values. They don't!
When I have warned about this process I have been called a 'warmonger' or 'stupid soldier'. The Romans said 'If you want to prevent a war, prepare for one. They knew what they were talking about from both sides of the equation.

NATO got lazy, cheap and weak and Putin took advantage. Hundreds of thousand are dying in #ukraine because of a failure to understand history and an attempt to save money. When we relax and put our feet up we should make sure our dogs are sleeping by the doors.

Democracy also got lazy when it allowed public opinion to be undermined by the control of social media. Politicians got lazy when they placed saving money in front of defence. Teachers stopped teaching and simply trained children to pass tests. When we feed children garbage they lose their health when we teach them garbage they lose their minds.

Critical thinking along with freedom dies in front of a television with a pizza.

Who Dares Shares
Robin Horsfall


This is in stark contrast to Alt-right Putain shills idiotically parroting asinine MAGA-ot/Putain propaganda. The fact remains that NATO has long been a successful peacekeeping organisation that is purely defensive in nature, and membership has always been voluntary, much like a Europe-wide neighbourhood watch. It ought also to be noted that Ukraine exercised a high degree of exercising diplomatic restraint by not joining NATO between 1991 and 2014, including after the pro-independence Orange Revolution and the breakdowns of the Minsk Protocols that proved to be meaningless in actual practice. In the event that any Putain shills can somehow make a lucid and cogent justification on the basis of factual evidence and analytical thinking about how the influences a dangerous bullying regime must not be contained and allowed free rein to threaten peace, rather than making the asinine claim that NATO has posed a threat to Putain's regime and maintaining peace, please inform. As an accomplished historian, it would be my pleasure to evaluate any credible contents that could be published, following vetting for quality control. I also remain waiting with weary patience for any armchair amateur scholars to explain how Ukraine somehow "blundered into the folly" of being invaded by the Putain regime that Bunker Boy Donnie endorsed as a supposedly "genius move." Tragically, social media has long kept the floodgates open for enormous waves of mendacious and pretentious claims of intellectual thought that keeps remains to be checked before more damage keeps being to other such less than discerning minds. Truly tragic how intellectual flyweights who are actually frauds are in a position to cause brain damage to other such less than discerning minds as part of their modus operandi while seeking validation for their pretentious claims about possessing allegedly superior scholarly abilities based solely on mendacious "alternative facts." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnjDzTwgA8s&list=WL&index=855


Ironically, Alt-right shills/MAGA-ots made pathetic attempts to be appear to be witty by claiming that the Snake Island defenders supposedly "waved their tightey-whiteys" in ignominious surrender while Putain's minions are calling for underwear donations, and claimed "Ukraine is finished!", rather than being able to face reality according to factual evidence, rather than propagating mendacious pathetic "alternative facts."


Putain propagandist shills making mendacious pretentious claims about being more intelligent, knowledgeable and informed than everyone else, try to understand that your pathetic lies based solely on "alternative facts" about not supposedly following so-called "binary" interpretations are not fooling anybody with other than merely less than discerning minds like yours. You are collectively neither more intelligent, nor more knowledgeable, nor better informed than credentialed scholars and responsible journalists with integrity. Try to grow up and realise that intellectual abilities are measured on the strength of applying critical thinking on the basis of factual evidence and logical reasoning in formulating sensible arguments. The same nihilistic ultraconservative shills have a long way to go in terms of learning how to apply analytical reasoning to formulate lucid and cogent contents, rather than making asinine statements that only involves parroting Putain regime/MAGA-ot propaganda in a purely bubbleheaded manner.


Sergei Lavrov is a prime candidate for a talk show spot on a Fox (Propaganda Entertainment) talk show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihq0dBhBt44&t=612


Robin Horsfall
Former SAS Soldier. Writer, Veterans Campaigner and Public Speaker. Operations Nimrod and MikadoLittle Big Man.
2021-2022 brought the world Volodymyr Zelensky. Held between Trump's corrupt hammer and Putin's heavy anvil, Zelensky held onto his integrity refusing to be bullied and intimidated by either side.
He would not dig dirt for Trump in exchange for weapons and he would not give Donbas to Putin. It has been suggested in many places that a victory for Trump in the USA would have guaranteed a victory for Putin in Ukraine. It might have, had 45 not lost his election and his coup.
When Zelensky mobilised his people and troops to fight Russia many leading intelligence 'experts' gave Ukraine three days before they had to submit. 312 days later Little Big Man has shown what can be done with Integrity, Courage and Example. ICE!
He has worn the drab green of his soldiers, walked the streets while missiles flew overhead and visited his troops of the front line. The weight of responsibility has aged him ten years.
Now for the first time I fear for him. He has become the symbol of Ukraine. He has shown the courage of David against Goliath. He has inspired his people and the people of the Democratic world. He deserves their support now more than ever.
Stay safe Volodymyr Zelensky, the whole democratic world needs you to live.
Slava Ukraini!
Who Dares Shares
Robin Horsfall




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