Observations on meaningless imperialist colonialism. IV

Feb 26, 2023 19:46

 This is the icon of all such losers who despise humanity and whose only justification for their existence is to cause chaos and discord, and is hence the idol of the angry white trash ultraconservative kamizes who want to destroy the world as we know it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mjc3FMtAFVM&list=WL&index=4557



History continues being in the making, and narcissistic compulsive liars claiming to have superior insightful "nuances" about Putain's imperialist delusions have yet to face reality, let alone provide any credible and corroborated evidence for their pathetic claims that is supposedly to demonstrate how "they're like smart person and a very stable genius" who should have received honourary doctorates.
While thriving on causing discord and chaos is being curbed through the continual revelations of natural justice as propagandist shills are being continually exposed for being the losers and retards that they are, please welcome MTG to the self-promoting MAGA-ot/Putain regime propagandist/"Evangelical" unholy trinity axis evil hall of shame. Where is the critical thinking and factual evidence behind their mendacious claims? Would anyone still like to support the claims made by Jimmy Dore, Lara Logan, Glenn Greenwald, Kim Iversen, Garland Nixon, Jill Stein, Fucker Carlson, Tulsi Gabbard, et al, who are feasting on their special chocolate pies composed of "alternative facts?"

My offer as an accomplished historian for any minions on the confusion inducing and anti-Christian "Alt-right" a$$holes to present their unjustifiable (purely mendacious) "findings" to be published with scholarly quality control assurance vetting remains on the table, while John Mearsheimer is MIA blowing in the wind. I would advise you to go do library research, but I doubt you know how a book opens, let alone conduct scholarly research into secondary and primary sources, in totally stark contrast to serving as echo chambers for disgraced hacks.


For those MAGA-ots and Putain shills serving as self-styled agents of chaos and discord, be aware that historical elements do not allow for the clock to be pushed back, regardless of how certain failed leaders make forcible attempts to make this happen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQFSDGSAdZk&t=750s . Face reality by showing how you may claim to be more intelligent and knowledgeable and better informed by demonstrating critical thinking based on available evidence, rather than obsequiously parroting Putain shills' lies.

Hats off to Jake Broe for casting light on exposing the Putain trolls who must despise those who have the genuine courage and honesty to speak the truth to evil powers contaminating less than discerning minds worldwide. It remains to be seen when the MAGA-ot/Putain/"Evangelical" axes of evil can finally become obsolete and be permanently kept out of being back in business while duly languishing in the quarantine of hell.


The ongoing defensive efforts were not supposed to happen. According to MAGA-ots, Bunker Boy Donnie was supposed to win or otherwise steal the 2020 election, and allow his lord and master Putain to demolish Ukraine unabated without NATO and other countries providing support for the defensive effort against imperialist delutions, and less than discerning minds worldwide are supposed to be stupid enough to believe Putain propaganda that is supposed to justify the imperialist aggression: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBB6zObUOwA


Another Putain troll to be added to the Putain troll hall of shame, along with Lara Logan, Jimmy Dore, Kim Iversen, Glenn Greenwald, Jill Stein, Fucker Carlson, Garland Nixon. et al. Us established scholars with demonstrable credentials should get some popcorn and watch how Putain shills are going to necessarily be eating their own special chocolate pies as their mendacious claims continue disintegrating in light of factual evidence and critical thinking.
May be an image of 1 person, standing and text that says "TIME Jackson 'Tiny Winkle' Hinkle I CUNT OF THE YEAR A year of sticking his snout up Pootins backside! Theres few bigger cunts than this one said one NAFO insider."

How long is it going to be before any objective reality based on factual evidence and critical thinking is going to be decried by MAGA-ot-Putain shills as supposedly "fake news?" How much longer are the same loser shills in the hall of troll shame going to keep making pathetic attempts to overcompensate for their lack of critical thinking skills by claiming to possess superior insightful nuances about international events only to make themselves feel better about their scholarly inadequacies? Of course these disgraceful cowards are never going to have the ability to posit their mendacious claims in a lucid and cogent body of written thought in their own words, based on any credible evidence.

Is it any wonder why adherents of the MAGA-ot/Putain axis of evil sleep in the same fecal matter filled bed that also includes anti-Christian "evangelicals" likewise pushing "alternative facts," including those based solely on the strength Putain trolls' propaganda?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4w-qYC0-oc&list=WL... . The evil trinity of pestilence on humanity composing Joker + Joker + Joker = arrogant retard losers who have a volcanic eruption scale hissy fit when light is cast on their pretentious claims of their being like a smart person and a very stable genius who should have received honourary doctorates.


An incorrigibly pathetic example of self-promotion emanating from a pseudologica fantastica disorder. Tragically, MAGA-ot cult followers are stupid and evil enough to worship this "emperor god of mankind" who had claimed his lord and master Putain acting on imperialist delusions was "a genius move": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDBQg5q-HbE



The dissemination of "alternative facts" keeps going and has to necessarily exposed for what it is - being totally removed from reality while appealing only to less than discerning minds that incessantly need to be educated through purging disinformation for the sole purposes of causing discord and chaos. There is also not a "skerrick" of evidence for any of the stupid and evil wishful thinking MAGA-ot claims, including "Ukraine is finished!" after having supposedly "blundered into the folly" of provoking Russia into staging imperialist aggression to turn the clock back to 1914, and NATO expansion among willing members supposedly made Ukraine having to assume war guilt. I remain waiting with weary patience for "alternative facts" experts to submit any credible evidence to support their claims about supposing being superior intellects with arcane byzantine knowledge that us credentialed experts are more intelligent and knowledgeable enough to fathom. Would anyone like to attempt to decipher insipid tripe spewed by self-styled agents of chaos losers entertaining themselves by spreading disinformation to cause discord? Peace is yet to be attained through whatever means possible.


Putain propagandist trolls, if you're listening, I hope you could also enlighten the experts with demonstrable credentials with your luminous understanding about international politics so that others can testify to your investigative powers leading to positing lucid and cogent argumentation with irrefutable "alternative facts." There is going to be unconditional veneration for your allegedly superior grasp of insightful nuances about Ukraine's alleged war guilt with marvellously fantastic precision, and supposedly seeing what us genuine established scholars cannot fathom. Your allegedly superior intellect shall never be undermined by factual evidence and critical thinking to any degree throughout the current of time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AjpwPe13Ao&t=614 . Putain's trolls have failed to accurately predict that there would be energy riots in January as well as claiming that the "EU is in tatters." NATO as a so-called "anachronistic organisation" has become thoroughly revitalised as a direct consequence of Putain's imperialist delusions. What is going to be their next failed prediction? Is there going to be any modicum of truth that "Ukraine is finished!"?


Putain propaganda shills in the hall of shame, including Jimmy Dore, Lara Logan, Glenn Greenwald, Kim Iversen, Garland Nixon, Jill Stein, Fucker Carlson, et al on Putain's payroll and their adherents whose lives are so devoid of meaning that you only thrive on causing discord and chaos, please eat your alternative facts special chocolate pies. You are not fooling anyone who has more than less than discerning minds, and are not more knowledgeable or intelligent or better informed than the credentialed experts. Is there ever going to be any credible evidence posited by these stupid and evil losers who need a massive amount of professional help for their pseudologia fantastica disorders?


Genuine fake news deconstructed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNtqiJcZv_E&t=508s


Meanwhile, Alt-right Putain trolls's lives are so devoid of meaning and have nothing better to do than operate as agents of chaos are still always fantasising about the Donbass region becoming an independent republic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PB4_WK-quDo


More evidence of the MAGA-ot/Putain propagandist shill axis, while their echo minions remain congratulating themselves of how they're each like a smart person and a very stable genius who should have received honourary doctorates: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_7pZ18IhBY . If there still anyone stupid enough to believe Putain propaganda?


The MAGA-ot/Putain shill axis remains in place until natural justice could finally be seen to work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRoj3Di0VVo


The reasoning behind MAGA-ots supporting Bunker Boy Donnie's lord and master: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t12WxrnNcjA


Another armchair amateur international relations observer who would claim to be like a smart person and a very stable genius who should have received honourary doctorates: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpbk-wjcyTY


Just exactly who would be stupid and evil enough to believe Putain propaganda? Presumably the same propagandist shills entertaining themselves by causing discord and chaos, such as by making ludicrous claims that other such less than discerning minds would be stupid enough to believe, while echoing Putain propaganda that is largely parroted through self-promoting shills lacking any credibility, including Jimmy Dore, Lara Logan, Glenn Greenwald, Kim Iversen, and Jill Stein serving as Putain assets, among other such useful idiots who would claim to be like a smart person and a very stable genius who should have received honourary doctorates.

Tragically, there are idiots who may believe these asinine claims: "Ukraine blundered into the folly" of being invaded by the Putain regime, presumably since their lord and master Bunker Boy Donnie "bigly" endorsed this invasion as a "genius move" (that supposedly would never have happened if the 2020 election supposedly wasn't stolen); NATO (as a highly successful and purely defensive peacekeeping organisation) was (supposedly) threatening the Putain regime through its continual expansion (that occurred on the basis of voluntary applications being accepted rather than under any duress, as was the case with the Warsaw Pact alliance), and has since expanded with the addition of Finland and Sweden that broke with 200 years of neutrality in direct reaction to Putain's meaningless aggression, and Ukraine chose not to join between 1991 and 2014, when it could have done so before Putain launched a border dispute, and therefore precluded NATO membership; the Azov battalion that dismissed obnoxious elements therein based on a 2015 law that bans all radical elements in Ukraine, and supposedly has offensive looking medieval runes that had been coopted by fascist elements, supposedly controlled the Kerensky government, while Kerensky is a supposedly "a monster and a kidnapper causing inflation"; the Russian minority in Ukraine was supposedly "fighting for their lives against ethnic cleansing"; the mainstream media is supposedly only reporting on a "binary" view of this meaningless conflict, and there are arcane byzantine "nuances" without there being any evidence to demonstrate the alleged existence of these supposedly superior intellectual insights.



Stalinist state capitalism in action for the time being, while Ukraine is supposedly finished according to Putain's propagandist trolls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fMzF8tAhAo
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