Quick update before I leave

Jul 21, 2011 00:58

Talk to me like I'm stupid: How the heck do you upload 2GB to 5GB files on MegaUpload?? Or any other upload site? The bar just sat at 0kb and it wasn't happening. Do you have to be registered before you can upload files of that size? *head-scratch* I have con photos and videos I wanted to share, but clearly my technical skills aren't up to the challenge. Okay, will tackle when I get back.

Family: Was over in Scarborough for my uncle's birthday dinner. The restaurant was one we used to go to back when my grandmother was alive and my cousins lived in Scarborough, before they all moved to Richmond Hill. Too. Much. Food. It was good, though, and the nieces were playful and not whiny.

Toronto: Seriously, weather! Not. On. Tomorrow's supposed to feel like 48C, which is just ridiculous. I'll be happy to get away from the heat and humidity for two weeks, but I hope everyone at home stays cool and indoors! (Polaris 25 people: I'm so glad we pestered the Tim Horton's head office into fixing that air conditioning for that Tim Horton's location!)

England: My itinerary is FINALLY settled. But like Masq said, I can stress now and enjoy my vacation when I'm there. I leave Thursday evening and arrive in Gatwick on Friday, 22 July, at 9:30am. I spend the first night in Portsmouth, so it goes: (1) Portsmouth; (2) Southampton; (3-4) London; (5) Cambridge; (6-7) London again; (8-9) Oxford; (10-11) Bristol; (12-14) Oxford again; (15) London yet again; (16) HOME on 6 Aug.

Writing: I may try to do some writing while I'm on all those coach buses. Maybe some toon!Young Justice/DCU crossover fic with Kon! Or maybe visiting the Spitfire museum will inspire me to write Continuum fic about Cameron Mitchell in WWII. *g*

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europe, polaris 25, family

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