Apr 19, 2011 23:29

Ahahahaha! Guys, I probably won't be contributing any fic, but wow, I'm eager to see what other people do. To quote the intro post:
The (Totally Legal) 18th Anniversary Kon-a-thon begins now!

18 years of publication history. His name has changed... his costume... his powers... his parentage... his location... his relationships... He's died and come back to life. He's just made his TV debut this season. And through it all, he's still helping people, saving the world, and spreading awesomeness.

So let's throw a party!

Running now through the end of June, we are celebrating 18 years of Superboy! Kon-El! Conner Kent! The once and future Superman!

Keep watching
kon_a_thon on DW and kon_a_thon on LJ for a Kon-a-thon fanworks challenge, a squee/discussion post, a Kononymous love meme, and other exciting interactive adventures!

Leave Kon-a-thon prompts on the DW prompt post or over on LJ!


ETA: Ahahaha, Superboy! Does anyone remember which issue this was? I could swear I've read it.

Other ficathons currently happening:
such_heights is running a multi-fandom Female Character Trope Fest! Female-centric gen and femslash prompts only!

2) There's a Ronon Thing-a-thon! Sign-ups are open until April 27th. I'm tempted, but I've already signed up for too many things. Maybe I can pinch-hit.

remix_goes_wild is still going on!

4) Via
skieswideopen, over on LJ pann_cake is running a low-pressure multi-fandom OT3 fest!

I prefer comments on Dreamwidth |

picspam, canon:dcu, ficathon

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