Fannish 5: Five Canons You Would Live In.

Jun 04, 2010 14:16

This week's
fannish5 question has been brought to you by yours truly! *g* Which five canons would you want to live in, and why?

1) Star Trek: No question about it! Gene Roddenberry's space utopia in which war and hunger have been eliminated from Earth? A federation of planets dedicated to peaceful relations and a sharing of culture and science? Even though there are still places in the quadrant that suffer from poverty, it's a vast improvement over most fictional worlds out there. One word: transporters. To be more specific, I'd like to live pre-Dominion War, when the focus was more on TNG's exploration. Don't get me wrong, DS9 is my favourite Trek, but the Dominion War was not pretty. Alternatively, having survived the Dominion War, I'd like to help with the rebuilding.

2) Harry Potter: Despite the looming threat of Voldemort, I'd love to experience the Potterverse, all its magic and beauty and richness. Who wouldn't want to see a Quidditch game live?? I don't even watch sports, but the idea of Quidditch is something I'd love to see in person. And going to Hogwarts, with its traditions and quirks and amazing castle, and the things you'd learn, the abilities you'd have (assuming you're not a Muggle). It'd be brilliant :)

3) Tamora Pierce's Tortall: Assuming I wasn't a servant or farmer or what-have-you, I'd love to see the Tortall-verse in action, with knights and Riders and powerful mages, clever and beautiful monarchs on the throne, all the pageantry and politics. I probably wouldn't fit into this world very well, however, given that I'm not at all physical or active.

4) Tamora Pierce's Emelan: I'd fit in much better in the Emelan-verse, I think. Certainly it's more peaceful--no wars or gods messing things about. I could see myself at Winding Circle, studying to be a mage in the traditional way, hearing about the exploits of the four at Discipline Cottage. And there's Duke Vedris, who makes for a good sovereign.

5) The West Wing: Okay, I'd probably need to start an IV of Red Bull just to keep up with them, but how awesome would it be to work in the west wing of the White House? To be able to contribute to the running of a nation (even if it's not my own)? I love the idealism and energy of TWW, and while there would probably also be a lot of heartache, it might be worth it for those four or eight years you're given in which to make a difference.

ION, I'm leaving this afternoon for a dinner/church meeting at a friend's. We're spending all weekend interviewing an applicant for our English Minister position--I have to be downtown at 9am tomorrow morning, JOY, until the late evening--so I'll be offline from now until Sunday afternoon, most likely. Hope you guys have a great weekend!

ETA: If you are the praying sort I would be grateful for your prayers for God's guidance and wisdom in the interview process, and discernment and humility for the various leaders/committees involved.

I prefer comments on Dreamwidth |

tv:the west wing, church, meta:christianity, star trek, meme, canon:tamora pierce, canon:harry potter

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