Way to make me sob inconsolably, Stargate!
Okay, technically I only watched the second half of "Heroes, Part 2". I figured, better to rip it off like a bandaid. I'll get around to watching Part 1 and the rest of Part 2 some other day. There's a reason I avoided this two-parter for years and years--if I didn't watch it, then it never really happen. (Kind of like Highlander: Endgame.)
When "Sunday" first aired, I remember a few posts comparing Elizabeth's eulogy unfavourably with Sam's, and I really have to agree. Elizabeth's speech was oddly stilted, I found, and the bagpipes were just awkward. But the eulogy Sam gives--with Teal'c as her Toby Ziegler--was solemn, affecting, and deeply personal. It turned me into a watery, sniffling mess. *blows nose*
(I still prefer "Sunday" as a re-watch episode, though. Satedan grab-ass!)
I prefer
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