Criminal Minds: Oddly, I ship Hotch/JJ

Feb 14, 2010 22:49

It's odd because I usually don't go for het pairings unless the show revolves around a female lead (e.g. Buffy, VMars). But the female characters on Criminal Minds are so interesting and... hmm, competent and professional and restrained--even Garcia, in a way--that I can't help but focus on them and want to know more about them. Not in the "give me an info dump about their personal histories" kind of way, but small reveals, teases, layers slowly peeled back.

I mean, I still love a good snarkfest, but one cannot live on snark alone, you know? I need a restrained character, the quiet and brooding type who just does their job and does it well. They're not humourless--they'll make the odd joke, little asides, unexpected and understated--but they don't go for big productions or melodrama.

But then it's why I like Hotch too, because he is so damned stoic. Every tiny smile is like a moral victory! You have to work hard with characters like that. So yeah, Hotch and JJ. I like Hotch/Prentiss too, but there's an extra bit of warmth in Hotch's interactions with JJ that I really enjoy. I started off really liking Morgan/Garcia, but that's died down somewhat as my appreciation for JJ and Emily have grown and grown. (Though I still love Garcia.)

I haven't really tried to read fic in this fandom yet (beta for
skieswideopen aside) as I'm somewhat wary of what might be out there. There seems to be a lot of Reid-slash, which does nothing for me. Generally, there's an inverse relationship between the quality of fic produced by a fandom and the quality of canon produced by the show-runners, so, you know.

And honestly, for all that I'm 'shipping a little in my heart, I'm not sure I want to read straight-up romance in this fandom. I'd rather have more of the same: more case-fic, more murders and crime-fighting, with only the vaguest subtexts.

That said, if anyone has recs for Hotch/JJ or Hotch/Prentiss, I would not turn you down! Or gen recs for with Prentiss, JJ, or Hotch? That'd be awesome too. Or case-fic? Crossovers?

I prefer comments on Dreamwidth |

tv:criminal minds, pairings, het

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