Four things meme, ganked from buffyannotater

Jul 18, 2006 01:35

Four jobs I've had:
1) Assistant copy editor at publishing house
2) Technical writer at software company
3) "Helper" at my late aunt's jewellery store (Mostly I played with the inventory and read romance novels. I was 15.)
4) Communications specialist (My current job, though I couldn't tell you what's so special about it.)

Four movies I can watch over and over:
1) Much Ado About Nothing (Kenneth Branagh version)
2) Pride and Prejudice (BBC version)
3) Bring It On
4) Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (Time travel! Whales! San Francisco!)

(Overarching theme: Halibut. No Schindler's List for me. Snarky women, pining men, snappy banter, a dash of angst, no body counts, happily ever afters. If you throw in some music and dancing -- or whale song -- then so much the better.)

Four places I have lived:
1) Toronto, ON (We moved when I was 2, so I don't remember it.)
2) Missisauga, ON
3) Waterloo, ON
4) Scarborough, ON (Still part of the GTA, but it was a different place.)

Four (currently airing) TV shows I love:
1) Supernatural (...and that's it. Technically I'm not "in love" with the others. I know, I know -- so fickle.)
2) Stargate SG-1/Atlantis
3) House

Four places I've vacationed:
1) The maritimes (NB, NS, PEI, but not NL)
2) Disneyworld (Orlando, FL)
3) California (SF, San Carlos, San Jose, San Simeon, LA, Orange County, Disneyland, Lake Tahoe)
4) New York City, NY

Four of my favourite dishes: (I'm just going to name foods, because I don't know dishes)
1) Salmon - smoked, raw, fried, steamed, salad, etc.
2) Eggs - boiled, scrambled, poached, in soup, preserved, etc.
3) Ribs (Because that's what we usually get when I get together for dinner with my roommates from university.)
4) Rice (Not so much a "favourite" as "My world would stop spinning if I could never eat rice again.")

Four sites I visit daily:
1) LiveJournal
2) Yahoo
3) Google
4) Wikipedia or IMDb (Probably not daily.)

Four places I would rather be right now: (Just to visit.)
1) San Francisco, CA (My cousin's wedding is coming up.)
2) Halifax, NS (My friend's been bugging me to visit for years.)
3) The UK
4) New York City

Four of my hobbies:
1) Reading (fic, comics)
2) Watching TV
3) LiveJournal, etc.
4) Writing (fic)

(...I'm sure I must do other things. I suppose they don't count as "hobbies" though.)

shakespeare, movies, meme

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