Sep 15, 2004 12:51
What is this stretch of emotion that allows me to do nothing? I feel incapable of movement, accomplishment, anything. There is a scream building at the base of my throat. A perfect scream, a pure scream. A voice to shatter glass and end the world. I feel that if the scream ever comes out my world will end.
I want to rage, but lack the energy. I want to fight, but lack the will. I am not weak, but if I do not do as I am told and offer no excuse, then what else am I?
I once said I didn't have the energy to eroticize the kind of anxiety I get from this position, but this isn't anxiety. This is overwhelming sensation and emotion, a burn that starts with my skin and rises into my throat until I'm choking on tears that I can't seem to shed.
I am angry and righteous and too tired to breathe. I just want to breathe.