when it rains...

Apr 15, 2011 15:40

...things break.

Like my cat. Again.

So, when i was going through the whole toilet being broken for 11 days, Karat started limping. He went into work, we watched him walk, did an exam (he got angry) and based off of his  active lifestyle and the exam i was able to do on him at home where hes not normally angry, he was sent home on an anti-inflammatory/pain med for a couple of days assuming he had a soft tissue injury. Well.... he continied to limp. But he always "warmed out of it", meaning that as he moved more, it seemed to decrease in its severity.

Cut to: this past tuesday. About a month after the innitial limping, hes still hobbling around. He went into work for some xrays and a good ortho exam under some light sedation thinking maybe he ruptured his crucite ligament or maybe hip displasia. WELL. when it finally developed, there, plain as day on the xray.... a fracture! My cat managed to fracture his femoral head at the growth plate! WTF!  Dr Barnes had never seen this in a cat before so we did some research to make sure it wasnt a sign of something more to come (like cancer) and it turns out theres actually a rather interesting correlation between young male neutered cats that are larger breeds, like main coon, and their growth plates taking longer to come to maturity. We also found that this usually happens without prompting, one minute theyre fine, the next theyre hobbling across the room.... which is EXACTLY what happened with Karat. Poor guys ben walking around for weeks with a broken leg because we had no reason to expect one!

Anywho... this means he needs another surgery. Hes going in on tuesday for an FHO (femoral head osteotomy) where Dr Barnes will go in, remove the head of the femur (the part thats fractured) and clean the joint to stop the bone grinding.  The good news is that for this kind of surgery, the femur and hip heal in a way that creates a false joint via scar tissue and such, so he'll have a full recoveryand be able to use his leg like normal with no limp once again..... he'll just be missing some bone. (the reason w cnt just let it heal is because theres no way to stabalize that joint so that the bones can fuse again.... also, his femur below the fracture is already trying to heal itself and detatch more from the head of the bone).  Man, leave it to my cat to get the rare bone breakage *shakes head*

And on top of all that.... ive seemed to sprain or strain or something my wrist. I got a little twisted up in a dogs collar in my last appointment monday (hyper dog, owner who would let go of the leash crowding me = i didnt have enough room to do my job so when the dog moved, my restraint waasnt what it should have been and i got tangled). And ever since then my wrist has been achy with intervals of sharp pains. So ive been keeping it wrapped... vetwrap makes a great ace bandage when you dont have one at work... at its fun colors!  But so far, its not gotten much better :/

At least its the weekend?

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