I bought a house...!

Aug 28, 2006 13:31

Eek! I think I just bought a house... apartment...!

Seriously, I changed the "option to buy" to an "intention to buy". Which means I haven't signed anything yet, but for all intents and purposes, I have bought the apartment I talked about earlier, barring unforeseen circumstances. And aside from me falling down a mountain during the holiday and getting myself killed, such unforeseen circumstances can only be financial, i.e. I can't get the mortgage I need. I'll know more on that in the next few days.

If all goes well, I'll have the actual deed transfers in October some time. And then the fun part begins: deciding which changes I like to make to the new apartment (the advantages of it still needing to be build). Like, I probably want to have a tub in the bathroom, not just a shower. And tiles all the way to the ceiling. And I want to convert the front bedroom (adjacent to the living room) into my study, with sliding doors of some kind leading into the living room. And I'll have to pick out the floor covering. And a kitchen. And... hee!


Completely unrelated: just today I discovered two e-mail encryption programs/services. With the way the world is going, encrypting e-mail, hassle though it may be, is beginning to sound better and better. But of course the next problem is going to be: which service? I can just picture us web-savvy folks having half a dozen encryption programs, and the rest of the world not having any of the sort. Kinda would make encryption a moot point, except perhaps when discussing the merits of certain captain-generals and their Rohirrim counterparts (as I know some of you who shall remain nameless to protect the innocent, are doing!).

Freenigma (works with web-based e-mail services only so far, it seems, but proclaims to work with other services like PGP in the future)

Keygloo (works with regular e-mail programs too. And can encrypt files on the harddisk, if I read their information right)

Both say they work with Firefox extensions.

*hugs Firefox*

www, new house, software, real life

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