Title: Start The Chase, I'll Let You Win
katrina87Pairing/Character: Pam/Karen
Word Count: 2,397
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Pam sends Karen an email telling her how she feels. Will Karen feel the same way?
Warnings: This is GRAPHIC! Very graphic. It's basically PWP. Femslash, people.
Disclaimer: The Office and it's characters do not belong to me.
sherlockelly made
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Comments 8
HO-LY FUCK! Oh my shit. Oh, holy shit. Oh, shit. GIRL!!! You broke my head! I am grinning like a fucking idiot and in need of more than one cold shower.
I giggled and squeed outloud so unexpectedly at that kiss my roommate jumped! Now I'm grinning like a damned fool and my cheeks hurt! You made my cheeks hurt with happiness!!!
Oh, DAMN! You.. honestly! You broke my head!
The EMAIL! SOOO passive-aggressive Pam!
“So, did you send me an email?” Totally hear Karen saying this!
She backed her against her car! ::dies:: ::revives self:: ::dies again::
Pam getting in the front seat 'cause she's so nervous! Ha! So adorable!
Karen experienced with Car!Sex!!!
THE SEX!!!!!!! OMG!!!
This was SO in character I want to marry you and have weird, crazy fic-writing babies!
You are the boss of me. You are.. oh, man. I need to finish mine now and give it you because there is NOT ENOUGH THANKS IN THE WORLD!!!
Damn. I am broken. You broke me.
::puddle of goo::
Are you sure YOU didn't have an orgasm while reading it? hehe
I do like it too. I haven't actually written PWP in forever, much less femslash, so I'm proud. lol
Let's hope your room mate doesn't want to know why you're so excited! hehe
I had to use the email. Cause with your prompt, I just couldn't see any other way for Pam to go up to Karen and be like "Please do me!" lol So I'm glad it was in character.
I knew you'd like the backing against the car part. lol
Yay the sex was good. lmao
OKAY SO NOW I NEED MINE! Whoooo! We should do porn exchanges more often. XD
Have you seen tonight's ep yet? Or have you missed it in lue of porn? hehe
That was.. beyond hot Kit-Kat. Just.. wow. You should write PWP more often, simply because porn is awesome, and because you're good at it. *grins*
Holyfuck, that was some of the best femmeslash fucking I've had the pleasure of reading in a while. And I wasn't planning on readong pr0n tonight, I just figured, what the hell, and BOY WAS IT WORTH IT!
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