Title: Start The Chase, I'll Let You Win
katrina87Pairing/Character: Pam/Karen
Word Count: 2,397
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Pam sends Karen an email telling her how she feels. Will Karen feel the same way?
Warnings: This is GRAPHIC! Very graphic. It's basically PWP. Femslash, people.
Disclaimer: The Office and it's characters do not belong to me.
sherlockelly made
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HO-LY FUCK! Oh my shit. Oh, holy shit. Oh, shit. GIRL!!! You broke my head! I am grinning like a fucking idiot and in need of more than one cold shower.
I giggled and squeed outloud so unexpectedly at that kiss my roommate jumped! Now I'm grinning like a damned fool and my cheeks hurt! You made my cheeks hurt with happiness!!!
Oh, DAMN! You.. honestly! You broke my head!
The EMAIL! SOOO passive-aggressive Pam!
“So, did you send me an email?” Totally hear Karen saying this!
She backed her against her car! ::dies:: ::revives self:: ::dies again::
Pam getting in the front seat 'cause she's so nervous! Ha! So adorable!
Karen experienced with Car!Sex!!!
THE SEX!!!!!!! OMG!!!
This was SO in character I want to marry you and have weird, crazy fic-writing babies!
You are the boss of me. You are.. oh, man. I need to finish mine now and give it you because there is NOT ENOUGH THANKS IN THE WORLD!!!
Damn. I am broken. You broke me.
::puddle of goo::
Are you sure YOU didn't have an orgasm while reading it? hehe
I do like it too. I haven't actually written PWP in forever, much less femslash, so I'm proud. lol
Let's hope your room mate doesn't want to know why you're so excited! hehe
I had to use the email. Cause with your prompt, I just couldn't see any other way for Pam to go up to Karen and be like "Please do me!" lol So I'm glad it was in character.
I knew you'd like the backing against the car part. lol
Yay the sex was good. lmao
OKAY SO NOW I NEED MINE! Whoooo! We should do porn exchanges more often. XD
Have you seen tonight's ep yet? Or have you missed it in lue of porn? hehe
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