Title: Painful Vow
katrina87Pairing/Character: Frank/Dwayne
Word Count: 635
Rating: PG
Summary: Dwayne wasn't talking again.
Warnings: No real slash, but ya know.
Disclaimer: Little Miss Sunshine and it's characters do not belong to me.
Notes: A more angsty, hopeless type of fic. :( I plan on writing something happier later, so look out for that. :)
Dwayne wasn't talking again.
It had been a month since the the trip to Redondo Beach. Dwayne had talked for a couple of weeks, and Frank thought he would never shut up. He talked mostly to Frank, about Friedrich Nietzsche, how much he hated school, problems with the government, and, of course, Richard. Frank thought he was getting nine months worth of words out of the boy. But he didn't mind. He liked listening for a change.
He noticed it right away. Dwayne was quiet that day, and sat silently at breakfast, eating his frozen waffles slowly. Frank poked him in the leg from his seat next to him and gave him a look.
Dwayne just shook his head and turned back to this waffles.
Breakfast went on as usual. Olive babbled on about the latest beauty pageant that had aired on tv, and in between Richard told Sheryl about his plans to write a new book. This time, he said, there would be ten steps.
No one noticed that Dwayne had stopped talking for days. Frank didn't mention it, mostly because he couldn't believe they were ignoring him again. He thought if they could so easily forget the kid, then they didn't deserve to be reminded of him.
The next night, Frank sat on his cot (he really needed to go out and find a bed or something) across from Dwayne, who was reading in his bed.
He cleared his throat loudly, breaking the ear-splitting silence in the room.
“Why aren't you talking?” He couldn't help but let the hurt he felt leak out in his words.
Dwayne looked up from his book, and Frank thought he saw an apology in his eyes. He dropped his book and leaned over, pulling his trusty old pad out and writing something. When he was done, he held it up and shrugged.
“I promised myself I wouldn't.” The pad read.
Dwayne went backing to reading and Frank just sighed.
Frank got up and pulled some paperwork he had gotten from his latest shrink appointment off the dresser. He scribbled out a sentence quickly and walked over to Dwayne, tapping the papers on his book.
Dwayne looked over slowly and read the note.
“Another vow of silence? What for?”
Dwayne just shook his head, a helpless look in his hair covered eyes.
Frank wrote another note.
“I can take it with you, as long as it's for a good cause. Tell me.”
Dwayne couldn't help but smile, but as quickly as he did his eyes watered and he looked like he would cry. He reached over and wrote on his pad. He stopped writing, and looked at it for a few seconds before slowly bringing it up to Frank's eye level.
“I'll start talking when my crush on you goes away.” It read.
Frank just stared at the stalk white paper and black words for a good minute before he looked over at Dwayne.
He sighed, sitting next to his nephew on the bed. Dwayne looked away, tossing the pad on his bedside table.
Frank looked down at the paper in his hands and wrote one last line before holding it up to Dwayne.
Frank watched Dwayne read the words, and saw a tear fall down his cheek.
“That's a pretty good cause.”
He got up, throwing the paper back on the dresser and walked over to his cot. Before he sat down, he looked over at Dwayne, who had turned out the light, laid down and pulled the covers over his head.
Frank lay down, staring at the ceiling. He opened his mouth to say something, but he couldn't think of anything to make Dwayne feel better. So all he said was “Goodnight, Dwayne.”
He rolled over and tried to ignore the sounds of Dwayne's crying.