The Ditz of Hazzard

Sep 26, 2005 03:41

Whitney was on her way out to the barn where she trains a couple horses, driving in her new 350Z through a known speed trap. Her radar detector went off and she slowed down - but... She was on the phone with a friend of hers and her speed crept up until she saw those flashing lights in her mirror.

She called me to tell me how she tried to sob her way out of it "but officer, I can't afford a ticket because I'm going through a divorce right now!" I'm sure the officer bit his tongue at the poverty plea, seeing a 2005 350Z with new plates and a top of the line Valentine radar detector. I'm sure he didn't point out that he drives the squad car home because he can't afford payments on something else and the squad car is provided. To his credit, he said "ma'am, if I don't write you a ticket I might as well not have a job."

She was pissed to discover that in North Carolina any ticket 15 mph or over is a mandatory court date. After having the car only four days, she was ticketed for 79 in a 55, 24 mph over. What I do not think she remembers from the drivers' handbook is that any conviction of 15 mph over is an automatic 30 day revocation of driving privileges!

That's right. Unless she can sweet-talk a judge, she's going to be rubbing her car wistfully as she walks by it on the way to work. Fortunately for her, the tack shop she works in is literally across the street from her new apartment. Hopefully, the weather will be nice that first month after the court date - I don't wish that much misfortune on her.
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