Jan 15, 2009 17:45
This is a post of a few days. The first part is me being amazed. Appearantly everything that can be thrown at me is coming and coming fast. I decided to quit smoking a few months ago. I was slowly dropping smokes off my daily allotment. until this week where I was supposed to be at 3 a day. I haven't had one since Sunday at 8. This is a simple thing that keeps me happy. Life on the other hand has thrown more stuff at me than I think it has at once in years. I am still holding together. So, thus far, it is working.
As far as the fail goes. I tend to attempt to foresee where things go and how people I know will react. I was recently contacted by an x of mine. I have not spoken with her in a long time. I actually failed to see what was coming my way. The note she wrote left me speachless which I guess is a goodthing. So, that epic fail is on me. I failed to see what was coming.
The second and more epic of the fails came from my first x-wife, mother of my children. Who calls me in a panic apologizing for not calling Phoenix yesterday. The sad part is I asked why she was upset. She said she missed his Birthday. I asked her when his birthday was. She replied with the 17th...which as we know is on Saturday not yesterday and in either case wrong. She was upset because she failed to call on his birthday. His birthday is the 19th. that's right boys and girls, the 19th. next Monday. He will be 8. I love him to death but his mother...from whose body he escaped into this world...failed to remember that particular date and failed to check the calendar to see what day it actually is. hence Epic fail.