Why is illegal to kill your ex-wife?

Dec 27, 2008 22:22

I have lived through some dumb shit in my day. I have lived with some dumb people in my day. I have had my share of bad luck experiences. I have a tendency to try to find balance in most things. This is how I survive. If I didn't find balance I would probably end up resorting to my basic instinct. Which in most cases is directly dealing with problems as they pop up. Unfortunately when dealing with really thoughtless, careless, and stupid people means removing them from the gene pool. Someone decided to make this act illegal. So, we end up with completely useless people walking around on the planet.
Now, it is true I married the girl. It is also true she birthed my three boys. I won't get into details of the how's and why's there. Those that know, know. Those that don't don't need to. In the long run let's just say they were not on the to do list for quite some time. Things happen, but I do in fact love them. They do make me happy. It is this reason that leads me into this lovely little rant.
D, my first ex-wife and mother of my boys has caused me nothing but annoyance and problems for a very long time. She also seems to have no concept that things have costs associated to them, or that I am not in fact capable of shitting money whenever it's needed. Now it is true I usually manage to make things happen even when the money is really tight. Most of the ways I do this are hidden from people and often involve me not eating.
Shortly after the boys were taken from us by DFACS, we both started the necessary steps to get them back. I did so with a steady job and while attempting to handle a decently large slew of other things. She attended her weekly "how to raise children" class with me. Yup, that was about it. So imagine my surprise when DFACS started to give her a place, furniture, food, and the boys. More amazing due to the fact I was not in state when the kids got taken. I was deployed to Tennessee.
They eventually realized that even with the more than 30% of my paychecks I had offered to give her a month to keep the kids alive, her total monthly income was less than a $900. $500 of which was from my pocket. DFACS eventually decided, the day after they gave them to her, that I should have the kids. So, I have full custody. Fat lot of good that did me in the long run. They spent the next couple of years in transit. 2002-2003 was with me. Then I found myself divorced again. Single parents in mobile units aren't allowed. They were moved between my mother and D until 2007 when I took them back. Griffin asked to live with his mother. Which has pained me a bit since he made the choice. I am not going to force him into anything unless e is in pain or danger though. This is not to say I haven't been tempted though.
I had to pay for Drakes glasses in PR. I had to pay for the plane tickets and fly down and back to move them around. I had to drive them to and from location. When they were in PR, I was sending $500-600 a month to keep them alive. D may have sent $100, if she remembered. So, yea more than enough reason to be wary of the woman. Not to mention the direct quote of "the children don't make me happy."
This last summer I had Griffin up for the whole time. In order to do this I stopped working my paying job and kept up with my school. GI Bill was $1500 a month. job was $600. I ended up feeding, entertaining, and basically scraping together the summer. There was a lack of eating on my part. Anyway, before I even agreed to keep him for the whole summer, I asked her to send a small amount of cash to make it work. Something between $70 and $100 a month. Since I wasn't working and things would be tight, I thought, hey this makes sense. I got a one time payment 2 months late for $125. Needless to say I was annoyed. She and her new husband decided moving would improve their situation. She still doesn't have a job. So no real improvement. Anyway, I start to set up my plans for December. Her van breaks. I can understand that. They fix it incorrectly. dumb mistake. I drive all the way down to drop the boys off cause they want to spend time with their mom and brother. I then drive all the way back. They get the part for the van yesterday.
"If it's not raining we'll put in in today," she says. The radar report from weather.com shows no rain in her area and mostly cloudy. "It rained," she says when they call this evening to give me an update, "We'll get it in tomorrow." I make plans for them to call me when it's done and we'll split the drive. They agree. Then add that they can't come do their half the drive until January ninth, Two weeks. The boys are back in school on the 6th. I'm back at work on the fifth, it's not possible. SO, I say I'll pay their half. They agree. I get a message at 1100pm. "Sorry, flat tire, can't make the trip."
So, not I have to drive 1000 miles, half of it with two of the boys. I can't afford three trips down and back when I am down $1500 a month since the GI bill stopped when school stopped. I am going to barely make rent, but I will. Planning is the important part. She is incapable of doing that. I am not going to get to see griffin this break. With the exception of a few hours last time and tomorrow. It would be easier if people would just let me shoot the useless people.
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