Jul 21, 2005 00:54
list of things i love:
being bored, guitar solos, sunglasses, drugs, long hair, hobos, baked beans, the combination of the last two, travel by anything but plane, punks, alcohol, coffee, satan, cigarettes, dark bars, dark rooms, dark personalities, birds, organized crime, handguns, blowing shit up, sex, love, freedom, risk, monopoly, paper, scissors, not rock, being alone but never lonely, the 70's, the 20's, living cheap, walking, black 70's sedans, having someone else drive, matches, cooking for people, sticking it to "the man", leather smell, gasoline smell, pencil smell, staying up late, getting up early, having money or no money, loyalty, secrets, telling secrets, 10 fingers, adventures, piano, pornography, knives, samurai swords, sauerkraut, chicken pot pie, the south, spanish culture, oysters, refried beans, chess, movies, drum solos, jewelry, nice suits, cards, death, medicine, cremation, architecture, couches, art, postcards, letters, stamps, VIPs, carpentry, nails, secret compartments, stashes, sneaking, tradition, fire, golf clubs, swimming.
That's 85 things that I love. Tell me which you love, or hate... hopefully you can get me if you didn't before, because this is a look at jack's soul.