So I get this email from my mother this morning (at 5:37 a.m. no less):
Please don't waste your money (and insult your family) by seeing this movie. Thanks Of course I've already read the book and practically am standing in line for tickets already, but that's neither here nor there. I'm just wondering at what point my mother became a right-wing nutjob. I know she wasn't like that when I was growing up, or at least back then I didn't notice. I mean I understand people's tendencies as they get older to decry everything that's new or they don't understand as being part of Satan's plan to enslave the earth for all eternity.... ok maybe I don't understand that part.
It's just weird for me to think now how I lived with her for so long, but then again I didn't really become politically or religiously aware until college. Big W changed everything for me, and I became an honorary New York Democrat whilst at RIT, hardened further by living in Europe for 2 years. To me, listening to her say things like that makes me feel bad for her and people like her who cling to religion because they're afraid of confrontation. She's scared to question her beliefs because without them, life would be pretty darn depressing. *sigh* What can one do? I just have to sit back for another 30 years listening to regurgitated, unanalyzed religious diatribe because she's my mother and I love her. It's just how I was raised I guess, to avoid confrontation and all.
Funny side note - the Gmail ad that appeared with her email was for
Why Mommy is a Democrat. Perhaps I'll get her a copy for Christmas.