Success, I declare! I hosted a little Halloween shindig over the weekend, in keeping with my adult fascination with Halloween and getting dressed up in general. On a good day, my apartment could hold about 40 people, we had 75 people say 'yes' on the evite and probably 100 showed up through the evening. Hoooly crap. I found out afterward that we apparently even had a nun giving out blow in my roommate's bathroom - hilariously disturbing or disturbingly hilarious, I can't decide which. With that many people, we of course ran out of liquor a number of times, and even went through the crappy liquor that we got as a gift from my roommate's grandparents. Ever tried Apricot brandy? Lime vodka? Didn't think so.
I don't think I want to host a shindig that big again, but I think the size had more to do with the nature of the holiday where people drift from party to party as a group. Apparently telling people 'bring something to drink' was interpreted as 'bring someone who drinks.' This was good since a number of people came who I forgot to invite, but bad because they brought their friends and so did the friends and so forth. It was definitely a fun time and it's always nice to meet new people, but at some point you just have to say 'who are you and why are you shitting in my bathtub.'
Ah well. Time to start planning next year's outfit. We really need a ridiculous wig store around here..