Last Scenario - Part 43

Jun 07, 2011 13:44

- Last time on Last Scenario, we explored a tower! Yay. Now, we're heading back to Randipur for more Hex.

- Oh, look who it is.

- ...uhm.
Saraswati: Yes, I've been waiting a long, long time. And now, it's finally complete.
- Your Hex set?
Saraswati: This woman was the first to break the seal. And now, her mind belongs to me.
- ???
Hilbert: Who... who are you?
Saraswati: I am a sorceror from ages past. In life, I had overcome every challenge that was thrown at me. All except one.

Saraswati: To attain eternal life, I devised a board game, and stored parts of my soul in all of its tiles.
- ...
Saraswati: Over the years, many have played and spread the game, ensuring my survival.
- Um...
Saraswati: But only this woman was able to touch upon the hidden powers within the game, and thus, I was freed.
- That's the stupidest way I've ever heard of anyone achieving immortality.
Saraswati: Though my body has long decayed, I shall live on by possessing the bodies of others!
- I mean, create a board game and wait until someone is able to be really good at it?
Saraswati: But... this woman's body is not powerful enough for my purposes. I need someone stronger.
- Wasn't there anything else you could've put your soul in?
Saraswati: Someone like you.
- Imagine being stuck inside playing tiles for eternity because no one was good enough.
Saraswati: Haha, shall we play a game again? This time, the stakes will be much, much higher.
- At least if you put your soul in an ancient artifact and no one freed you, it'd be a kind of cool place to inhabit, right?

- Wait, wha- oh, gosh darn it.

- She's very fast and deals a ton of damage, so after using spellcard stat boosts to get Hilbert's speed above hers, I use this immediately and give everyone a turn to get various shields and regens up.

- This is a physical attack that hits two or three people at once. Thankfully, the invicibility saves me from it this turn.

- It's probably the toughest battle I've done so far, mainly because I'm underleveled. The Invincibility trick is what saves me, mainly.

- While she doesn't drop anything, we stole the Orange Saree from her -- a female-only piece of equipment that resists wind/earth/water and raises dexterity.

Hilbert: Are you okay now?
Saraswati: My head is spinning. It feels like I just woke up from a dream... but I know that it was real. Was I really being tricked all this time? I thought that unlocking the mystery of Hex would bring me closer to enlightenment. I feel so stupid now. For all this time I've just been someone else's pawn.

Saraswati: Please take this. I'm retiring form the professional Hex community.
Received 'Hex Champ Medal'!
- You know how some enemies drop Hex tiles? This makes them drop more.
Saraswati: I've had enough of it. From now on, I'll only play the game as a simple pastime.
- She goes into the building, and we head back to heal up. Phew.

- Then... well, what do you think I'm going to do?

- She's the toughest player in the game, but she's got such good tiles that I can't resist playing for a while so I can trade them in.

- Saraswati's tile trades in for 20 Purple Herbs, which is pretty awesome. I really wanted to get four Fire Dragons (trade for Red Dragonscale, which absorbs fire), but I played for hours and she didn't use them. O_o

- Four Mantis tiles trades in for a copy of this spell. Since they're such a common tile and the spell is worth so much, it's an easy way to make money.

- Sadly Red Dragonscale-less, I head back to the Hall of Judgment to get judged.

Speak now. Have you come to be judged?
Then judged you shall be!

- Rashnu is a rather interesting boss. His gimmick is simple.

- When the scales turn right...

- ...he uses physical attacks.

- When the scales turn left, he uses magic.

- This is an utterly fantastic piece of equipment. It gives great stats and absorbs light -- it's going on Hilbert.

- I got an insane stroke of luck and took him out with a normal attack from Hilbert right when I was about to lose. See, that Lucky Break spellcard pays off!

- The Seraphim Blade is Zawu's best weapon. It would be very useful if the game would just let me switch Hilbert out for her.

Everyone's HP permanently increased by 100!
- Heck. Yes.

- Now that we've done that, we're going to track down those tomes for that guy in the Condor library. We have pictures of the locations, though they're apparently guarded with warding spells...

- Cue flying around until we find this place.

- Now where exactly is this to--


- The Tomes are basically one-trick ponies. Each one hits you with a different element and a different status effect.

- In this case, it's ice and silence. They also have a physical 'Papercut' attack.

- They don't have much HP, so they go down fast.

- I'll spare you the trouble of watching me fight all five, since they're all basically the same. Let's skip to the part where we bring them to the guy in Condor.

- Before that, though, we're doing a quick Hex trade-in.

- Trust me. Where we're going, we're going to need this.

Handed over the tomes.
Zagaro: You... You found them all! Amazing! I- I'm going to study them right away! Please hold on!

Zagaro: If I recite the words in order, the portal should open up. Stand back.

- I wonder if that means anything. Probably some mythology joke I don't get, knowing SCF.

Zagaro: But... there's no telling if that portal will really lead to the tomb.

- Done already?
Zagaro: Ahh- Ahh- It's worse than I expected. That place is full of monsters. I barely escaped with my life.
- How did you figure that out that quickly? You were only in there for a second.
Zagaro: Forget it. That place is not worth dying for. I'm going back to see if there's any other solution. If you want to try, be my guest. But I'm warning you, it's dangerous beyond that portal.
- Which you're just going to leave open... in the middle of the library...

- Eh, let's go!

- Protip #1 for the Black Mausoleum: wear the Invisibility Ring.

- Trust me, you don't want to run into these random encounters if you're under level... 80, maybe. And I'm nowhere near that.

- We can't go past this point until we beat a boss. (Hint: we are not beating any bosses right now, thank you very much.)

- There is so much treasure in this place. More treasure than your body has room for.

- We grab what we can find and get the hell out of here.

- Then we head off to a certain spot in the Kingdom...

- Welcome to Ethan and Castor's hometown... or what's left of it.

- One of the only Hex tiles we don't have. It trades in for four Key Tablet IIIs; we don't really need those, but it's still a fantastic tile.

- :\

- We go in anyway and open the chest.

- Oh.

- This thing inflicts insane amounts of status effects. Good thing I equipped Warding Charms on everyone! 8D

- Absorb dark damage. If I hadn't equipped Warding Charms, I would have brought these to this fight; trust me, though, the Warding Charms are a better choice.

- This is the big attack, and the reason why Moon Crests could be useful.

- If you chuck Holy spells at it with Lorenza and whack it repeatedly with Matilda, you can deal up to 10,000 damage per turn even when you're 15 levels below it. It goes down surprisingly fast.

- Ragnarok is for Ethan, the best axe in the game.

- Flashback tiiiime.

Ethan: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Castor: What I want to be? Uhm...

Ethan: A knight?
Castor: Yeah! I'll be like, the guardian of this town. I'll become strong, and then I'll protect you, and mom and dad, and everyone else!
Ethan: Then I'll become a knight too! We can protect the town together!

Ethan: But if we're together, we could beat anyone, even if we couldn't do it alone!

Castor: All right! It's a promise! We'll do it together!
Ethan: Yeah, it's a promise.

- The flashback fades out...

Ethan: Castor... I haven't forgotten my promise.

Next time on Last Scenario, we track down Castor so we can end this, once and for all. Stay tuned - it's almost over.

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